1: heroin of 60s!

17 2 4

It was a great morning. Weather was pleasant and white cotton fluffy clouds were wandering in the sky, getting heavier and a little darker than before.

"According to the weather forecast, Mainly dry weather is expected in most parts of the country. However, rain is expected at isolated places in Daegu and nearby areas. Keep your umbrellas with yourself to avoid any health problems as it is the first rain of the season and......"

News was casted in a cafe shop on a large LCD. People had taken their umbrellas and wearing raincoats with them as precautionary measures. Other shops for breakfast were opened too by that time. People with their jobs or schools were having their breakfast or buying it. They were in a rush, saying greetings to each other. They were office workers, laborers and students, hanging their bags on their backs, heading towards their schools, chuckling and laughing, grunting and groaning, playing tricks on others, making him smile at them.

"What a great life minors have! Careless, playfull." Someone exclaimed with longing watching them passing by the road. His lips spread at this yearning.

That scenery at morning was his favorite, when he saw the 'paused' life at the night, 'resuming' at every morning, as a song is played again in his media player after a short break and the same noise start again. A pleasant noise, making your soul fresh and calm.

A warm smile spread on his lips uncontrollably, with shining golden orbs, he was looking around, saving the scenes in his memory, moving forward to his destination.

By his age and looks, he seemed a high schooler completely. Loosely woven black tie around his neck (that he was going to make once he entered the classroom.), his uniform, black pants with white shirt, with sleeves rolled a little below his elbows, school badge on his shirt's pocket on left side saying,
"Daegu high school"
And his name plate above it telling his name in hangeul;
"김 아학" (Kim Ahan)

His black bag hanging on his shoulders, a small umbrella hanging by the bag. modern cut of his dark brown hair almost covering his brown eyebrows. His facial features were not complete Korean as he had big eyes, long lashes covering his golden eyes, a weird combination of his dark brown hair with his golden orbs.

His eyes were magical magnificent and captivating, One could easily be attracted by them and fall for him helplessly. It was not just his eyes but he overall had a great physique and personality, making him a handsome man but his eyes were way more beautiful.

Amused at the scenery around him, hands sliding down in his pants pockets, walking with a fast gate, he was now at front gate of his school. He checked the time on his valuable but a little older designer watch. 15 minutes were left for the gate to be closed.

Girls passing by him were eyeing him with desperate and desirable eyes, teasing each other, sometimes anyone squealed showing their excitement and joy. He smiled at their immature behavior.

Classes started just after winter break. Today was the first day of a new semester. He was experiencing all these things since childhood so he was not much surprised at all.

"Hey dude!" Someone said with his arm around his shoulder. He turned slightly to look at the person walking by his side and a charming smile sprouted on his lips. Whenever he smiled, small deep dimples appear making him more handsome.

"How are you hyung!" They both bumped their shoulders, shook hands and laugh loudly. He was his childhood friend, Lee Yi Jin. They were together since kindergarten and then in middle school, elementary and now in high school too.

"Alhamdulillah! And you?"

"Fit, in fact, perfect. My heart is dancing in happiness." When he asked, Yi Jin replied looking at the sky with his hand over his chest, with a longing look in his eyes.

He too was dressed in his uniform like Ahan. Bag was hanging on his front side. Ahan was watching his gloomy face, lifting one eyebrow.

"There's something special?" He asked curiously.

"Yeah!" He said shamefully, holding his arm like girls do and tried to hide his face in it. "There is. I've to tell you something." He shut his eyes tightly and nodded his head violently. Ahan pursed his lips into a thin line to control his laugh as he didn't want to make him angry.

"Are you into someoneee?" He asked bumping his elbow into his abdomen. He groaned in pain. The arrow hit the target. Instead of replying, Yi Jin opened his mouth wide, gaping like a fish. His condition was telling he was in a shock. Ahan closed his mouth with his hand on his chin and winked.
They started walking towards their classroom together.

"How do you know?" Yi Jin asked in a funny way.

"The 440 volts bulb flashing on your face, hyung! And you surpassing the Indian heroines of 60s in blushing, it's telling the whole story that some kindhearted and poor lady has considered you worthy enough. Well... where there is love, no flaw is seen." They were now in front of the corridor to their class. Ahan gave him a long answer. He gave him with fake pathetic look.

"Ahan! Are you a mind reader?" Yi Jin asked with extreme stupidity lacing his tone.

"May Allah never bless anyone with an idiot and awful friend like you. I don't know why I'm bearing you in the first hand." He prayed with helplessness looking up and then asked;

"By the way, who's that kind souled girl, feeling everyone's pain on her heart, mother Theresa of this decade, who kept your useless heart?" He was being mischievous. It started drizzling outside so everyone was rushing in. Corridor was now filled with students.

"You know her. The girl at our front desk, Choi Aecha." At her name, he blushed again. He tried to cover his flushed cheeks with his hands, blinking his eyes twice, thrice and then multiple times.

"Oh! That transfer girl, who moved here recently na?" He asked to confirm. They were almost squeezed in there.

Yi Jin nodded his head in agreement being shy as a newly wed bride.

"Lemme tell you something useful. In Pak when we are agreed to something or we have to say that's good, we say it ACHHA... In the tone of pakhton we say it in a sluggish way like 'aecha'." He was saying, suppressing his smile. Yi Jin was confused at first but as he understood his meaning hidden in his words his face flushed but now with anger.

"You mean jerk! Rude man! Handsome freak! You are gonna die through my hands today. How could you make fun of my Aecha?" He ran after him waving his fist at him trying to hit him. But he was dodging his attacks running ahead of him laughing and teasing him making funny expressions of his face.

"Thank you for calling me handsome! I'll ignore the rest of words... ummwah!" He said with a flying kiss.

Almost everyone's eyes were fixed on them who were making their way through them, chasing each other.

"Dear fellows! Here goes the announcement..... our beloved Lee Yi Jin is no more single. Please girls keep your safe distance from him, his girlfriend would mind that." He was shouting aloud and everyone laughed at his words and eyed Yi Jin teasingly. He was tying his hard to make him silent but he was not in his reach.

Then they entered their classroom almost falling on the floor. Feeling everybody's attention at them they straighten up their faces and made a serious look taking their seats at the last desks by the window.

Soon the bell rang and their homeroom teacher holding some books and register in her hand, entered the class.


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