3 : find a daughter_in_law?

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It was a pitch dark room. Loud noise of music could be heard. A person was sitting by the window. His body was blocking the light from outside to enter. He was playing the bass, moving his fingers on it's strings with a known rhythm and speed.

His eyes were closed, face emotionless. On the other side of his vision, there was nothing but just darkness. The door opened with a little creaking sound. Even in that much noise he heard it. His eyes opened at the voice and hands stopped their motion. That was his mother. The only member of the house other than him.

"Ahan how many times I've told you before, you should keep your room lit up." She said, trying to find the switch board behind the door and turned all the switches on. At sudden bright lights, his eyes squeezed shut. After some time, as his eyes accommodated with the light he was able to see. He put his bass on the floor and fixed his hair with his hands. She was looking at him worriedly. He released a breath and laughed.

"You're back! How was the day, by the way? Did your customer makeanyfuss? I can handle them if you want." Ignoring her expressions, he asked with a cheerful tone. Getting up from his seat, he embraced her in her arms. He was just round about 18 but was taller than her. She was till his broad chest.

"Yeah...the day was great. I was late due to some work. Dealing the customers is a piece of cake for me now. I don't think I need you. You should focus on your studies."

They had a bakery named "Kim's doughnuts". she was managing it successfully since many years.

"Great!" Placing his bass on its specified place, he took her out of the room, turning all the lights off, while exiting the room.

"Don't turn them off at evening."

"Stop nagging, I'm sorry but I can't help it." He said hiding the urge to roll his eyes, lifting his hands up. Then walking through the living room he entered the kitchen. Pouring water into a glass from the jug, he handed over to her who was now sitting on a stool.

She took glass from his hand and sighed, sadly.

"When will you be a mature man, Ahan! You behave just like your father...you're a copycat of his." She said staring at him breaking the dull silence. These words were told every single day with a little changing. Now these were engraved in his memory. He knew he had to listen it, when he did anything like that. He laughed heartily.

"You should be happy. He didn't left you alone in this world but with a man who looks just like him so you can't feel his absence and be sad." He, too, repeated his answer as he replied every time she said. She smiled.

"You're too much." She said looking at him with worry and scolded him with a fake scowl taking little sips of water from the glass.

She knew he took his habits from his father. He used to bring water for her when she come home from her work. Doing dishes and laundry, he helped her with everything.

"You know Ahan! Today I left from work early and gave some bonus to my workers. Our sales are good nowadays and there's more profit than before. I paid for their dinner." She was telling her today's routine as he was heating up the food taking it out of freezer.

Leaving the food container in the microwave, he sat in her feet and held her hands while a soft smile playing on his lips.

"You know today's a special day then. Shouldn't we celebrate it too?" He asked with his golden gleaming eyes.

"I wish, he was with us. Soon, you'll go for your university and I'd be alone in here. You know I don't like loneliness." She was afraid. He could feel it.

"Then...why not find a daughter in law for you? There would be company for you and you won't feel lonely anymore." He said mischievously. She looked in his eyes for a minute and then pecked them with love.

"Oh, you are not a little boy anymore, huh? Wait a minute!" She suddenly realized something and asked with shock laced in her voice. "Are you dating someone? Tell me, it's not what I'm saying." She was terrified.

"Oh momma! What's wrong with you? You and your wild guesses! I n know what's right or wrong. I'm not an immoral person. I'm the same Kim Ahan, who was always afraid of girls. Although now I enjoy their ah's and ooh's when they see me."

He uttered the last sentence in his mouth that she was unable to understand. Hearing the beeping of oven, he stood up and made his way to take out the food from it. She laughed at his irritation.

"Yeah and I was wondering if you are sociopath. I still remember when you were in your kindergarten and on the very first day you came back with a crying face. And when your father inquired about the matter, we were shocked when you said, 'I'm afraid of girls.' It was a surprise for us." She was being nostalgic. He smiled while filling up her plate with food then put it into his own.

"I was terrified at first but with time I understood you were just allergic of them getting close to you." He was enjoying their conversation, it was apparent on his face, being all smiley.
They started eating reciting the prayer.

"By the way, who gave you the idea of getting a daughter in law." She asked curiously.

"Oh, it was Yi Jin, he got a girlfriend recently. So it was still in my head so..." he said with a smirk. She was surprised.

"That little boy? Really?"

" yeah, that your 'little, shyly and innocent' boy." He said. sarcasm was obvious in his eyes.

"It's their culture. We're here for many years but still I'm not getting used to it. It makes me feel weird every time I think about it or witness any situation." She was telling about what she felt.

"Momma!"he held her hands softly. "We can't do anything about this thing. It's their culture and we've to live with that.." He said like a mature man, kissing her knuckles. She smiled with teary eyes.

"Really! That cute boy.... by the way, who's the girl, her name." She asked.

"It's one of our classmates, Choi Aecha, a new girl, she recently got transferred here....." He started telling her the story. They were laughing and talking.


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