7 : selfie please!

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She was too excited. It was her first day in the university. Wearing long white skirt and full sleeve baby pink blouse, light makeup and hair done in her signature style. There were freshmen rushing around flabbergasted and seniors wearing sashes or badges on their arms helping them out in finding their departments and class schedule etc. She went toward the stall for guidance and schedule for her department and stood in the queue, taking the piece of paper, when it was her turn, she made her way out of there. She inserted her ear plugs in her ears and played some random music on her media player. Enjoying the music she started looking at her surroundings. It was about one and a half week since she came in Seoul. She shifted from J.B. palace to the university dormitory. Her roommates were Korean. She was not as much interacting with them due to language barrier. But they were quite decent. She was okay with them.

Here, in South Korea, drivers were left handed so she gave up the idea of buying her own car because she wasn't willing to take any risk. So she decided to have a motorbike. She did some research about how to get halal food as it was difficult to find and other things. Hana helped her in many ways during the time.

Her black curious eyes were impatient to see the every corner of the college. But she was trying to look cool and mature on the surface. Suddenly someone hit her from the back and saying sorry ran on one side. She noticed almost everyone was running towards that side. She plugged her earphones out of her ears and heard some commotion there in front of mass and media department. She rose up on her heels to look in the direction but heads of different students were blocking her vision.

"Ohhh, it's really him. Hey! It's Im Dowoon.

"Let's take his autograph."

"A selfie please."

"Our sweetheart Dowoon!"

"Dowoon! Dowoon! Dowoon!" They were chanting his name again and again. They were shouting different things and hooting. She climbed up the stairs of the department and stood there by the supporting columns. Now, she was able to have a look at that 'prince charming' from above, who exited his red sports car wearing branded blue shades, white cap with mask covering his face. Blue shirt upper few buttons were undone and his black vest visible below, white ripped jeans and brown boots. His guards trying to control the wilderness of his fans. He was struck in the flood of his fangirls. She laughed wholeheartedly at his misery.

Girls were around him like "honey bees". She thought of the idiom scrunching up her nose and headed to her department's building. She knew that man. He was Hana's younger brother. She couldn't have a good look at him that night but then she met him at breakfast the next morning and she realized that he was the famous top Korean model and idol with the most followers.

He was enjoying that protocol and craziness of his fans until his eyes fell on her who was moving away from the crowd unlike other girls. She was the same girl-J.B.'s guest. He was seeing her after 2 days as she had shifted into her dorm. He wanted to call her but didn't want to make some scandal in front of whole world so suppressed it. But his eyes followed her until she disappeared.

She was about to enter her lecture hall when her phone buzzed. It was Jeong Jun Oh, so she attended the call immediately.

"Hey, where are you?" He asked. Getting confused at his question she spoke.

"At uni. Why??"

"Ah.. I told Dowoon about you and I'm visiting university for some reason, we can meet there. Is it okay for you?" He asked in sounding in a bit of hurry.

"Dowoon?" Im Dowoon's face appeared in her eyes. Was it him?? Or maybe it's just a name.

"Yeah my friend I told you about in the plane who's a model. I reminded you yesterday too we're gonna meet him. Don't tell me you forgot about that?" He seemed surprised so asked her not believing his thoughts.

"A Model!" It must be him! Or maybe someone else?

"Oh yeah I remember it now. Actually something was in my mind so it got out but sure I'm free we can meet him. So time??" She tried to laugh and act as she didn't forgot anything. He started telling her info about his said friend and timing. As the call ended she released her breath she didn't knew she was holding all the time.

"Oh God! This man really is something. He's gonna introduce his friend to an unknown girl. Wow just wow!" She said looking at the roof of the hallway. And peeking through the door she turned around and walked away heading to the cafeteria looking at her handmap to look for the directions.

Author's note:

Welcome me back my dear readers after a long time. Sorry for not informing about my absence. I got free from my finals yesterday and tried to write something asap so I can give you something worth reading. Hopefully you like that part and forgive me for being on a long break. I'll be grateful to you my lovelies:)

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