8 : Pinch me!

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"Ahan! You'll do the modeling. It's new admissions season....you'll be the face of our school. And it's done, no arguing." His homeroom teacher Bok GiHoon wasn't asking, he was telling him. He was about to say something but his tone made him silent.

"I've seen your popularity among students because of your looks and religion. Almost everyone is impressed by your personality and curious about your life. We can make a good use of it for our school's image. It's a suggestion plus order from director." He was showing that he didn't have any role in it.

"And we have discussed it over with your mother.She agreed with it. Now you have to get changed and come to the gym. My friend's already there. He'll be your photographer. He's expensive in his field but he made some time for us from his tough schedule." Ahan growled in frustration. He was never ready to face camera. But teacher had everything prepared already. He just bowed respectfully and mumbling an "okay sir" in a low voice exited from staff room.

Li Yi Jin was already there outside waiting for him. As he came out of the room, Yi Jin run to him and asked worrying,

"What did he say? Why were you summoned? Was it locker room incident? Scolding?" He bombarded with his questions. It was a matter worth of worrying. Ahan was an average student but he was never called in staff room by any of teachers. And being called in the staff room the next day of your fight is really worrisome.

Ahan pursed his lips and shook his head to make him cool down and told the whole story about him being a school model.

"Thank God! Geez! I was terrified that it was coz of those bloody boys and the fight to had with them for God-knows-what reason." He said with a huff.

"For that matter I think coach is enough and I have heard everything I deserved from him." Ahan said sliding his hands down into his pockets and making his way in the hallway to out. Yi Jin nodded agreeing with him. He received detention for a day. He was suspended from practicing and was punished to run 100 laps in the ground that he completed in the night. He told his mother he was having a group study.

"By the way why were you that much fierce? What did he said?" He asked thinking something and Ahan halted in his way. Some students bumped into him but he didn't gave any reaction. His eyes were red as the whole thing rewind in his brain.

"I mean, you're never that angry before, that's why I thought of asking." He explained at his weird expressions.

"Never ask me again about that if you're my friend." His words made Yi Jin embarrassed so he shut his mouth.

"Ahan, hurry to the gym. Everyone's waiting for you. Hurry up." It was their class president. Ahan nodded and both boys followed her to the gym.

"Pinch me Ahan! Homeroom teacher called you handsome. Really?" Forgetting everything he ran after him and asked in excitement. Ahan pinched his arm hard that made him cry in pain.

"I didn't asked to cut off my muscle." He whined.

"As you have'em! But now you believe my words right or still need to...." he rolled his eyes playfully and said with a smirk plastered on his lips.

"No, no, I believe you wholeheartedly, from the core of my soul. I swear!" He cut his sentence and uttered. They were now crossing the ground and walking on the way to the place where they were waiting for him.

"Till when you'll be free?"

"I don't know" he replied shrugging his shoulders off.

"I have to go back early, I have a date with my girl." He informed him shyly like a girl. Ahan released a laugh in shock at his way of behaving. What a drama queen he was! They entered the gym building. Everything was set in position. He hurried to his locker to get change into his uniform he had there as extra. Lights, effects, cameras.
.. everything was new for him but he was not showing his feelings keeping a straight face. He was good at it.

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