4 : kidnapped!

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She was at Seoul National Airport at that time. Black shades, white frock till her knees and same colored trousers, white dupatta set neatly on her shoulder.....shoulder cut hair pinned from right side, white tussles and her luggage in her hand, purse hanging from right shoulder, white heels. She walked like a model to search for the cardboard with her name to find the person J.B. sent to pick her up. After almost half an hour's struggle, she was able to see him standing their, holding her name "Sabeera" written with wrong spellings "Sahbira". She sighed and approached him taking long strides.

That man was almost in his mid forties, waiting for her holding the cardboard.

"Hello! My name's Sabeera..... I'm J.B's guest." She introduced herself in English and then translated into broken Korean, removing her shades. That man asked her some questions as how she was and how was her journey. Then he took her bag from her and asked to follow him to the parking lot. She, eyeing around, followed him.

"You do have a difficult name. It's hard to pronounce." He told her in an understandable way in English, putting her luggage in the dickey of the range rover. She laughed heartily at his comment. Her eyes squinted at the moment and head thrown back.

She knew Muhammad Kashif Jibrael was known as J.B. coz of his difficult-to-pronounce name. It was for their ease.

"It's cool, don't mind, but can I dare to know, what's your relation with J.B. sir?" He apologized. She took her seat on back seat and put her purse in her lap and put her shades into it. Driver took his seat and started the car taking it out of the parking lot. Now they were on main road. They were left-handed drivers Unlike Pakistan. She, who was thinking of getting a new car as she's there, was thinking to reconsider her decision now of getting her license.

"Umm.. his cousin or you may say 'sister'. Our fathers are family friends and business partners. So I know his family since childhood." Telling him she rolled down the window glass and looked outside. She was surprised to see the roads and their discipline. Passing by Han River she thought of her own country. She smiled involuntary and rested her head to the back of her seat looking outside. She was getting dizzy.

"In an hour we'll be in J.B. palace. You can rest or if you want I can play some songs for you. But they are in hangeul." Considering her restlessness he said feeling it necessary.

She hadn't eaten anything during the flight but now she was feeling thirst. But she didn't said anything other than, "no, thank you", bowing her head a little. She was feeling hard to keep her eyes opened. But at last she accepted her defeat and got lost in the valleys of dreams.

"Miss! Miss... miss please you should get up." Someone was calling her in a low and gentle way. She opened her eyes slightly and tried to see through the crevice in her front. Someone was there. She smiled unknowingly.

"One minute more, Amman!" She mumbled incoherently in urdu. That person didn't get anything.

"Miss! You're in J.B palace. Miss Im is waiting for you inside. Please.." the woman almost hovering over her repeated. She half opened her eyes to see her but finding an unfamiliar figure she jolted up and looked at her surroundings for something. She was in the back seat of a car parked in a garage type area. She got out hastily and straightened out her dress. On both sides of driveway was green lawn.

"Where am I? What's this place? Am I kidnapped?" She almost cried speaking in urdu. The woman didn't understand a word. And someone laughed gently at her reaction.

"No dear! You're not kidnapped, you're at J.B. palace in Seoul, Korea. You're welcomed here. You slept on your way here. Let's go inside." she averted her gaze to that feminine voice. She was speaking in English and certainly could understand urdu. It was a woman in her 30s wearing long brown skirt and floral shirt with a jersey on. She had short black hair, fair color and brown eyes.

"Oh, oh! I totally forgot. Thank you, sorry, I was asleep so I didn't understand the situation." She apologized bowing her head a little in their style. She noticed, the woman who was trying to wake her up before was the house maid. It was apparent from her dressing, white collared black shirt and black skirt, hands joined at front in an obedient manner, hair tied in a tight bun and black shoes. She was probably about 50s. She was still active and energetic in this age. On her uniform her name plate was attached on left side saying her name,'Kim Bo Ra'.

"Miss. Kim! Please take her luggage in her room and show her the house later. So she can get familiar." That woman said politely in hangeul to the maid. They entered the house. It was really a palace.

"How was your journey? Did you faced any difficulties. Oh I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Im Hana, Korean Christian, and J.B.'s wife.... we've two kids, Im Nora, our daughter and Im Young Jae, our son. Young Jae is in boarding school he's 7 and Nora is in kindergarten, in her 4th year."

She was showing her the pictures of two kids in different poses, hanging in the foyer. They were laughing, or playing. In their family pictures there were another two men other than J.B. one was his late father in law but she didn't recognize the young one. She probably had seen him somewhere but she didn't remember anymore at that time. A smile played on Sabeera's lips.

"They're cute." She said about the kids.

"They're just cute in pictures, when you meet them you've to change your opinion. They're little devils." She laughed at her comment.

"By the way, you can call me Sabi, as my short name." She offered her hand for handshake and Im Hana held it back with a smile. They were in the lounge. Mahogany furniture was showing their excellent taste. Maid was back.

"Ah, you too can call me Hana or eonni, if you want."

"Ah, sure, sure." She replied.

"You must be tired so you should rest. Miss Kim, escort her to the room, if you need anything, feel free to ask. Check if the room is comfortable, we canchange if you want." She was really a hospitable woman.
She bowed and followed the maid, climbing the stairs as her room was upstairs.

"Would you like to have your dinner?" The maid asked as they reached her room prepared for her. She denied shaking her head politely and entered the room. In the middle a large bed was placed covered with white covers and pillows and cushions.

It was well-lit room. She liked at once. A study table by the large window and large size walk-in closet her clothes were neatly hanged. Washroom was on the left side. It was white and her things were placed neatly in the shelves. She knew now why the maid took time, she certainly was setting her things form luggage on their place. She felt satisfied and relaxed.

"Thank you, it's good. You can leave now. Thank her on my behalf." She said to maid and she leaves nodding her head. Sabeera shut the door behind her and hanging her purse on hook by the door let herself fall on her back on the soft and comfy bed.

"First take bath Sabeera." She thought to herself and got up groaning. Walking to the closet she selected some comfy dress and went in the bathroom.

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