5 : hyung/oppa

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It was almost midnight but she was unable to sleep. Probably because of new place.... but How did she slept in the way?? She was thinking. She felt like thirsty but she had already emptied the jug. So she got up and left her room to have some water. It was dark although night bulbs were on. Walking like a blind, with her hand spread in front of her and touching things and staying by the wall she atlast found the staircase. By the time she took first step someone came in a speed climbing the stairs and she was about to fall down but luckily that person held her by her arm and saved her from breaking her bones. Her heartbeat fastened thinking the losses she was about to get.

"Thank you!" She whispered to the person. She tried to make his features in the darkness but failed. That damn night blindness and darkness phobia. She clicked her tongue in irritation.

"누구세요?" (Who are you?) He asked in tired husky voice and light above the stairs turned on because of sensors. She saw his features for the first time. Without any moustaches or beard, that golden eyed man was looking handsome in his black tuxedo. His coat was hanging on his shoulder.

His golden eyes were bored in her dark brown eyes where he can see the shock. He passed a side smile by spreading his lips to one side, tilting his head a little. His black hair was set on his forehead according to the modern style that his eyebrows were hidden under them. With his little bit slanted eyes he was just like anime heroes. She had seen him somewhere but couldn't remember. He was the same man she saw in the family pictures she saw in the day but who was he?? He looked like he was a famous personal through his style.

"I'm sorry but I'm asking you.... who are you miss!" He repeated his question in English. She chuckled unconsciously at his accent but hide it with her hand balled into fist and coughed. He raised his eyebrows. He knew she was laughing, she avoided to see in his direction and found other things more interesting. She then looked at him and he was still wearing the same expressions. She suddenly remembered his question and replied in a flabbergasted manner.

"Oh.... oh I'm... I'm J.B.'s sister, from Pakistan." She started in urdu but realized he couldn't understand it, uttered in English. She could speak a little bit hangeul so she preferred saying in English.

"Where's Paakistaan?" Next question was ready to be asked pronouncing it wrong. Just his style was mature. Inside he was surely a little kid. She thought noticing his eyes glowing with curiosity even in faint light. She tried to get her arm out of his hold but he was not paying any attention to it nor he seemed to be leaving her at the moment.

"First, release my arm.." she said.

"Answer me first."

"As you don't know. You could've asked from J.B." she said making a face.

"We're not that close. He's just my brother in law. So, where's your Pakistaan"

"You must have known India? They're just neighbors. And I hate it when we've to say our enemy's name when introducing ourselves. Otherwise the whole world know about my country but here someone dont even know if it exists or not. And if it,then where it is?" She murmured last sentence half in urdu and half in hangeul rolling her eyes. (Don't mind my words, these are not used to hurt someone). Unfortunately, he couldn't even get a word she said in urdu.

"You know hangeul?" He was surprised.

"Yes, a little." She answered trying to control her emotions and desire to hit the vase on his head that was placed on one side of staircase.

"Oh mother, where I've stuck my head. Ya hyung, I've to go so leave my arm."

"That's the word men use." He mentioned her mistake.

"You think I'll call you oppa like typical girls. Not even in your dreams!" She snapped at him and got her arm out with a sudden jerk. "I'm not some shy or innocent girl,who'd fall for your charms, got it!" She mocked raising her index finger.

"So you noticed my beauty?"


He was observing her face expressions and actions closely and reaching a conclusion opened his mouth and uttered,

"You pretty, you know. Are you single or have a boyfriend?" His words got steam out of her ears. Her face was red burning with anger.

"Just shut your dirty mouth, you idiot!" She shrieked in horror.

"When did I say anything dirty? You should get an appointment with otolaryngologist. I think you've hearing defect or maybe nervous disorder." He taunted at her understanding and covered his ears at her loud voice.

"You asking me about "haram" relationship is the dirty thing you said. It's not my hearing disorder but your choice of words.... Your choice of words when speaking to a girl. You should go and learn it how to behave when talking to ladies. Lack of manners." She scoffed making air quotations with her both hands at the word 'haram'.

"Is it a bad thing in your culture?" He asked hesitantly if he was afraid of her.

"Not just bad, it's worstest thing in our culture." She told nodding her head vigorously and pushing him to one side, said 'sorry', descending the staircase. He made her late. She had to get water. She scrunched up her nose and entered the kitchen the maid showed her in the day in a hurry.

He shrugged his shoulders looking at her back disappearing and almost getting dizzy, headed to his room. He was tired when he came back and he had planned to fall in bed. He decided to take shower at morning, he was that much sleepy. But he didn't know why he stayed there. He enjoyed talking to her probably because she was not being all clingy like others and didn't try to make him irritated.

He thought laying in his bed and covering himself with blanket. He laughed getting into his sleep thinking about faces she made at his questions and put his white soft pillow on his face removing it from under his head. And said an incoherent word before embracing his dreamsland.

"꿀잼" (interesting).

His sixth sense was ringing some alarms but he ignored it. He didn't knew what future has for them. If he knew, "if", he would've tried to do something for his survival.

Author's note:

Anyeong! My dear readers! How was this part? Please comment to let me know....

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