9 : celebrity

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"How is the lady?" She was sitting quietly in the library making her assignment in a devoted way when someone drew a chair with a little screeching sound and almost fall on it asking her in sing song voice.

She was a bit startled at sudden act and her pen fell on her notebook. His eyes roamed on her face. She glared at him with a sigh.

"What's the problem with you now?" She was irritated by his actions. In blue pants with a blue jacket, white pants and Converses, he covered his face with a mask and a black cap. Still he was recognized by her. She knew that he had arranged this to avoid people and rush.

"You know you're being over. arrangement of this already screams that it is 'you'." she said after seeing his attire stressing the word 'you'.

He was surprised, "and how?" With a questioning face he asked for an explanation.

"Obviously a celebrity would want to be hidden so much. Just by wearing a mask you can look casual." She advised and got busy with work again.

When he looked at her carefully, she sneezed once and then again covering her nose with her elbow.

"Does that mean you notice me?" He squinted his eyes making them look like crescent moon shaped and removed his mask. Forgetting her continues sneezing she averted her eyes at him in awe gaping her mouth.

"Why would I?" She shook her head vigorously then, taking out a tissue paper from his bag and covered her nose.

"Because I'm handsome, I'm a crush of many girls. And over all this, 'I'm a celebrity'." He said making air quotations with his both hands at last three words smiling brightly. She looked at him from head to toe, snorting.

They used to speak English and Hangeul when they were talking. She began to speak Korean fluently in these two months. And all this time, she was sure to visit J.B. Palace on weekends, where his six-year-old daughter and younger son Young Jae were her best friends. Apart from that, she had a good conversation with Dowoon too. Though he was first introduced to her through Jeong Jun Oh but where many things changed in these two months, their relationship changed too. He came to visit her every other day in university despite of her constant ignorance. Now she was getting used to his presence.

"I am a celebrity." She made a face imitating him. He took off his cap while laughing hard at her face she made, disturbing other students studying there. They looked at them annoyed.

"Silence, please."

Librarian, who was sitting on his table shouted in his stoic and angry voice looking at both of them through his glasses set on his nose. Both halted at his loud warning and she hid her head into her journal and some books she borrowed from library, embarrassed.

"Ah.." he tried to say something.

"You should stop doing this nonsense!" She snapped at him when he tried to continue their conversation.

"I just came to meet you and you are treating me in this way?" He whispered pouting like a kid, folding his arms on his chest.

"This is a library- In other words, the place of reading. Silence is the sanctity of this place so one can study with his full devotion and concentration. So please try not to ruin it." She folded his hands and forbade him from gossiping.

"Then, let's go out." He advised innocently.

"Are you insane?" She angrily spoke in a loud voice getting irked from his behavior flinging her books and pen on table. At the end, in the librarian's loud voice they were given a notice of 'Get out', she took her bag and journal and flew outside. He also dash out following behind but didn't forgot to put books back into the nearest book rack.

She put her things in her bag without stopping or waiting for him and threw it on her shoulders.

"Why are you that mad and feisty?" He made an innocent face, walking backward facing her. She didn't gave any reply. He sighed hearing nothing.

"By the way, why don't you wear your traditional dress? Like kurtas and dupatta, etc."

He changed the topic looking at her dressing. She was in typical Korean style, wearing ash colored loose cotton shirt and black trousers with a long beige overcoat till knees and black boots. Her hair parting from left side and fixed with black hair pins on that side behind her ear showing black earrings with star shaped tousled hanging, touching her little exposed neck complimenting her fair skin tone. She was wearing a little makeup enhancing her natural features. She surely was different from the other girls he knew.

At her low snicker he snapped back to his senses. She was laughing at something looking at her phone. He tripped on his own foot but she held his jacket from front to keep him from falling on time keeping appropriate distance. He stayed with his left leg risen in air and both arm spreading aside as he's flying for some moments, his mouth opened and eyes shutting tightly, ready for screaming. But feeling no impact or pain he opened his eyes. Thank God he was safe. He released a shaking breath.

"Thank you!" He said as he recovered from early shock, putting his mask on.

"You are a celebrity so behave like one. What are you, a child, doing these stunts. You could have broken your bones if I hadn't saved you. Then you were done being a celebrity." She, releasing his jacket started to lecture him.

"I won't say anything. You're my savior today so let me give you a treat. What do you want to eat?" He ignored her blabbering and asked with generosity. He was too hardheaded, she thought. She scoffed after a few minutes silence, helplessly.

"Nothing can beat his stubbornness!" She said under her breath, eyes roaming in her surroundings taking deep breaths, trying not to look at him to calm herself.

"IM DOWOON ! DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH? IF NO, YOU SHOULD SAVE YOUR LIFE !" she screamed at him and ran after him. He sprinted from his spot before anyone could understand. She was continously trying to throw fists at him chasing after him but he was constantly dodging her, running, making way through the rush laughing hard at her chanting of cuss words she was using in her own language or she learnt in hangeul.

People around them were smiling thinking it a normal fight between a couple. Her face was red with too much excitement. She stopped in her way, bending a little resting her hands on her knees to catch her breath. He worriedly came back to her to check on her when she held him from his hair pulling it hard. He was now in her trap begging to release his hair. But she was determined to make him bald today. He was now too helpless to do anything.


How was the chapter? I enjoyed it while writing it. I hope you'll too find it amusing when reading. Tell me in comments and vote it. Thank you.

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