Chapter IV

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Chapter 4: Past Memories Part 2.

Zelda watched Link fighting off the Bokoblins like they were nothing. Zelda knew he was in trouble. Not by the Bokoblins, but by her father. The King went crazy if even the smallest scratch was put on the Princess, and Zelda had a small cut on her cheek that was bleeding. Zelda was sitting on the ground watching Link. Her father would not allow her to train, instead she had to act like a helpless girl that can't defend herself, so she needed a knight by her side at all times, she hated it.

Back at Hyrule Castle, Link and Zelda–mainly Link were yelled at by the King.

"This is absurd! My daughter was to be protected; she cannot get hurt!" The King boomed.

Zelda watched in horror; she knew what was coming next.

"Your highness, it's just a small cut, Zelda is fine," Urbosa said, trying to calm the King.

"Give me your right hand," the King ordered, grabbing his knife. Zelda gulped. Link did what the King asked.

The King drove his knife into Link's hand and Link gasped in pain.

"You should know better than to let my daughter get hurt, you're dismissed!" The King angrily said, ripping out the knife, leaving an even bigger cut in Link's hand, which was bleeding a lot.

Link walked out, along with Urbosa. Zelda looked at him and he looked like he was holding back tears."

"My dear! Zel are you okay sweetie?" the King asked.

"Don't call me Zel or sweetie," Zelda quietly said.

"Excuse me?" The King asked.
"Don't call me Zel or sweetie!" Zelda repeated, this time louder.

"But you are my daughter!" Zelda's father replied.

"No! My father, he would not hurt or poorly treat my friends! Link has a life! He has feelings! He has limits-" Zelda said before her father cut her off.

"HE HAS A RESPONSIBILITY! TO PROTECT YOU!" He boomed. "He is not your friend Zelda! He serves the royal Family!" 

"I AM YOUR FATHER! AND YOU WILL OBEY ME!" Her father finished.

"No, you! You are not my father, my father was swallowed whole by this monster that stands before me," Zelda said.

"How dare-" The King started.

"How dare I?! No! You did this to yourself, and good luck running the kingdom and saving Hyrule because I ain't helping you anymore! You treat me like I'm worthless! Like I'm your toy that you can boss around! Well guess what? I've had enough!" Zelda said, before walking off.

At the Royal Guards Chamber, Zelda knocked on the door, and a guard opened it.

"Well hello Princess! What brings you here?" Asked the Guard.

"I'm here to see Link actually," Zelda said.

"Of course! He's in the room with double doors!" The guard said.

"Okay, thanks," Zelda replied.

Zelda walked over to the doors and knocked on one of them.

"Link? It's me, Zelda, can I come in please?" Asked Zelda. Zelda heard footsteps and then the door unlocked. When Zelda walked in the room, Link was sitting on the bed holding his hand.

"Let me have a look at that," Zelda softly said.

Link reluctantly let Zelda look at his injury, before saying, "let's get you to the Royal Nurse."

Now in the hospital wing, Link watched as the nurse walked over to him with a needle, thread and tonic. Zelda gulped at the thought of stitches. Without warning the nurse poured the tonic on Link's hand. He cried out in pain. Now for stitches. Link screamed at every stitch. The King was watching from afar.


A voice brought Zelda out of her trance.

"Zelda!" The voice yelled.

Zelda looked at Link.

"What, who, when, where, how?" Zelda asked, looking puzzled and shocked.

"We're approaching Faron," Link said.

"Right! Lush Village here we come!" Zelda said.

While riding, Link asked Zelda something completely unexpected.

"Who were my parents?" He asked.

"Oh, um" Zelda started. 

"Well, your father was a great knight, however he went on a mission and..." Zelda stopped suddenly and put her head down.

"And what?" Link asked.
"And never came back, it was later confirmed that he was dead," Zelda said.

"Oh, my mother?" Asked Link.

"Shortly after your father died, your mother got depressed. She then got sick, you were 10 at the time, before she died, she pleaded to a family in Lush Village to look after you. They accepted and took you in. That's all I can remember sorry," Zelda said.

Link didn't reply, Zelda didn't speak either, she figured that Link needed time to process things.

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