Chapter 1: A Fresh Start

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As you got on the bus to go home after another long day of work in the office, you sighed. The bus was relatively empty at this time of night and you were able to find a double seat. You plonked yourself down, dumping all your stuff on the other seat. You sighed again: you were so drained after the long shift at the Joja Offices: sat at a desk all day completing mind-numbing tasks. As you stared out the window at the concrete jungle, you wished for something more in your life. You felt so unfulfilled.

Having moved to Zuzu City some years ago as a young, ambitious 21 year old, you'd imagined a budding career in a bustling city: all your dreams come true. But that hadn't been the case. You hadn't been successful at all and had only managed to land a job at the Joja Offices. 'Huh, this is fine,' you'd though at the beginning of your new job but as the days and weeks and months and years had worn on and on, you'd grown more and more depressed. Your life was the same depressing loop over and over again. Wake up, shower, eat breakfast, work, come home, cook dinner, flop into bed exhausted. You hadn't touched your MegaStation or picked up a book in weeks. When you did have the energy to do things, you lacked have the motivation. Many mornings you'd wake up and wonder if you should fake being ill, if you should just curl up in bed and never get out. Sometimes you even though about ending it all. What was the point of all of this? What worthwhile things were you actually doing with your life? Why work to earn money when you never got to enjoy any of it?

You shook you head, trying desperately to shake the thoughts away as you stepped off the bus. You looked up at the skyscraper in front of you, drab and grey, reaching up to the sky like some fallen mecha's finger. You didnt know how much longer you could take of this life: lonely, miserable and no career path. Not to mention the sensory nightmare that was the city. Always so full of noises and smells and so much social interaction.

You dragged your feet up the chewing-gum-covered stairs, carefully avoiding a suspiciously yellow-ey coloured puddle until you reached your front door. Entering the small hallway, you shucked off your shoes and hung up your bag and blazer jacket. You walked over to your bedside table in the cramped studio apartment you could only just afford and opened the top draw, intending to put your keys away. Before you could chuck them in there, you noticed the envelope your grandfather gave you as he passed away.

'Huh,' you thought, 'I swear I didn't put that there.' Remembering his words, you picked up the envelope:

'There will be a day where you will feel crushed by the burden of life and your spirit will fade. When that day comes that is when you are to open the envelope.'

'Well I feel pretty qualified to open that envelope now' you thought begrudgingly. So you tore open the letter and found...the deed to your grandfather's land in a place called Stardew Valley. You stared in amazement at this ray of hope in your hands, the light at the end of the long, dark, lonely tunnel. Riding the wave of excitement and adrenaline, you called work and told them you quit and then immediately booked a bus ticket to Pelican Town, located in Stardew Valley.

Hurriedly, you began packing your stuff. Only the essentials; you wanted to leave the past behind you as much as possible and start fresh in a new place, a new life. When you were done, you lay in bed, almost too excited to sleep, but when you did, you dreamed of your new life...


The watery morning sun shone through the window as you blearily opened your eyes. The sounds of car engines and horns and people shouting filtered through the window. However, there was a giant smile on your face as you got up, showered and made yourself breakfast one last time in your miserable flat. Then you were out the door and on the bus to Stardew Valley and you were never looking back!


As you approached the valley, you drank in the view of the rolling green hills and the rivers wending their way through them. It was a long way from the silver spires of the city. And much to your joy, you could hear bird song and see many birds flying high above the bus. You gazed out the window in wonder at your new home.

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