Chapter 5: I'm Sorry...

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(Notes: I decided to redo chapters 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6)

You don't remember what you were doing on that day, why you were out so late in the forest. But you do remember the summer rain pouring down in droves. You remember it had been just an average day, up until that point. You remember having this gut feeling that something was terribly wrong.

You wandered through the eerily silent forest, the rain roaring in your ears. It was gloomy and dark and you really should've started heading back. But you didn't. You kept going, soaked, meandering aimlessly until you stumbled upon an empty can. Bending down to inspect it, you saw it was...a beer can. Ok, maybe it was just trash, right?

Then you saw another one. You could feel the temperature dropping around you but a jumper wouldn't have helped. Looking up, you could make out the edge of the cliff and...a body. Your heart dropped. You weren't sure you were breathing anymore. You stood shocked for a heartbeat.

"Shane!" You shouted, a sudden sob forcing it's way out of you, then you were rushing towards him, beer cans rattling as you barreled through them. You could feel your heart beating in your head, tears brimming in your eyes.

He lay collapsed in a pile of empty cans, almost unmoving and he was far, far too close to the edge of the cliff. You rounded his body and dropped to your knees in front of his face, shaking him, tears now rolling down your face, mixing with the rain. He was breathing - just.

Shane cracked his swollen eyes open. "(Y/n)..." He croaked. "I... I'm sorry." He was so so cold and soaked. He looked like he'd been out here for hours, contemplating his own demise.

"My's a pathetic joke...look at me," he slurred. You brushed the hair off his face, crying as he spoke.

"Why do I even try? I'm too small and stupid take control of my own life. I'm just a p... piece of soiled garbage fluttering in the wind..." Shane sobbed loudly, tears streaming down his haggard face as well. By the bags under his eyes, he looked like he hadn't slept in days and his skin was sickly pale.

"I've been coming here often lately...looking down...Here's a chance to finally take control of my life...These cliffs...B...bu...but I'm too scared, too anxious. Just like always..." He confessed, seeming completely defeated by life, like he'd been holding out for so long but he just couldn't keep going anymore.

"(Y/n), all I do is work, sleep and dull the feelings of self-hatred. Why should I even go on? Tell me...T...Tell me why I shouldn't just roll off this cliff right now?" Shane cried in anguish. He wasn't thinking straight and he was dangerously drunk. Just how much alcohol had he consumed tonight? You weren't quite sure how to answer his question, but you knew you had to support him, even if this was his last few moments. You wanted to be there for him, show him that you cared about him, even if he thought no-one else did.

"The decision is your own. Just know that I'm here for you." You managed to keep your voice from wavering even though your heart was breaking.

"Thanks...I appreciate that...I really do," Shane croaked. Internally, you were in turmoil but you said to him, "I'm going to take you to the hospital now, Shane." He only grunted a response. You had to get him up now before it was too late.

Terror flooding in again, you slid your arms under his shoulders and hoisted him up. He was like a dead weight in your arms. Somehow, he managed to keep his feet under him and you were able to half-drag him to the Harvey's clinic. Full on sobbing now, knowing Shane's life was in your hands, you banged on the door.

"Harvey please! I need you now! This is an emergency!! Please...please," you screamed, desperate. It was only a minute before a slightly frazzled Harvey opened the door, but it felt like hours. You felt like a clock was ticking on Shane's life and it was quickly running out of time. Harvey had looked half-asleep but as soon as he saw Shane in your arms and your distraught face, he quickly became fully awake.

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