Chapter 4: Video Games and Pizza

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(Notes: I decided to redo chapters 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6)

It was another Sunday in spring. You'd made a habit of visiting Marnie, Jas and Shane on Sundays. They were a lovely family. You knocked on the bright red door, a smile already on your face.

"Oh thank goodness you're here!" Marnie said, ushering you in, a worried expression on her face. "It's Shane." She added in a hushed tone and your heart dropped. Oh god, what had happened to him?

"He's not responding, he won't come out of his room." She explained.

"SHANE!!!" Marnie called, banging on his door. It was silent, not even a grunt. With no other choice, Marnie opened the door.

You walked into Shane's room and your eyes immediately fixed on him, passed out on his bedroom floor, amongst all the clothes and beer cans. You rushed to him, checking he was breathing.

"Oh thank god he's alive," you murmured, heart hammering in your chest. You shook him gently. When he didn't react, you shook him again, harsher this time.

"(Y/n) can you do something?" Marnie fretted.

"I'm not sure," you panicked. What could you do?

"I could splash him with some cold water?" You offered. Marnie just nodded, fingering her plait. You pulled out your watering can and poured water on Shane's head, praying to Yoba this would work; you didn't have any other ideas.

"Whaaaa?!" Shane shouted, rising to his feet, shocked.

"Shane what's the matter with you? All you do anymore is mope around your room and drink beer." Marnie said angrily, though you could see the concern on her face.

"You wouldn't understand..." Shane huffed, turning away, unable to stand the worry and care on your faces. Jas peeped round the door but Marnie and Shane hadn't noticed.

"What's your plan? Don't you ever think about the future?"

"Plan? Hopefully I won't be around long enough to need a 'plan'..." Shane confessed in a low tone.

Jas let out a choked sob from the doorway, dashing away. Marnie tutted at Shane, before chasing after Jas.

"Jas, I'm sorry!" Shane called, clearly hurt. He fell to his knees, clutching his head.

"All I do is fuck things up. Just leave me alone. Being friends with me will only bring you pain."

"But Shane-"

"I said fuck off!" He raised his voice.

Hurt, you left the room, leaving him sobbing. You slipped out of the house quietly, sensing this was a family issue.

~The next day~

Having spent a good portion of the day mining, you made your way down from the hill and into town. You were just going to head back home, but you noticed Shane stood on the stone bridge by the Joja mart. You came and stood next to him, peering down to watch the river pass beneath you. It was quiet for a moment.

"No smartass comments today?" Shane raised an eyebrow.

"No, I came to see how you were. You know, after yesterday..."

"Ugh, I think I prefer smartass to sappy,"

"Sorry to disappoint." You laughed.

"Hey (y/n), you're covered in bruises and scratches, are you ok?"

"Oh these?" You said inspecting your arms. "Yeah I've been mining today. There are a lot of monsters but don't you worry, I'm well versed with a sword," you winked.

Shane chuckled, catching the double entendre.

"So do you have any hobbies besides drinking?" You shot him a sideways glance.

"Sometimes I play video games and I take care of Marnie's chickens."

"Doing anything tonight?"

"No, just my nightly moping session," he replied sarcastically.

You smirked "Well I've got a MegaStation, actually. Did you wanna come back to mine and play some games?"

"Hmm, let me check my schedule...yeah I think I can fit you in between my beer drinking and moping."

"Great," you winked at him again, as you both pushed off the bridge and headed for your farmhouse.


"It's not much, but it's home," you said, holding the door open for Shane.

You began setting up the MegaStation as Shane sat down on your bed.

"I'm sorry I was so rude to you when we first met. It takes me awhile to warm up to strangers. I guess I was just surprised that anyone would be interested in talking to me." Shane said quietly.

"No, I totally get that. I'm the same. But you don't give yourself enough credit, you're an interesting guy, Shane." You said, looking up at him, admiring his face. He had a warm, friendly look about him when he wasn't scowling.


You passed him a controller and loaded up Junimo Kart (just pretend it's like mario kart, I know it's not in the game).

"Ready to have your ass whooped, chicken boy?"

"I think I'll be doing the ass whooping, actually,"

You just laughed.


"Fuck!" Shane shouted, exasperated. "How do you do it?"

You'd beaten him every single time. You sat with a satisfied grin on your face as Shane blew out a breath of air in frustration. You'd ordered takeaway pizza from the Saloon and the boxes lay empty on the bed.

"I'm the queen of Junimo Kart." You glanced at your watch and your eyes widened. "Hey, Shane it's almost 2am, you should probably head home. I need to get to bed anyway,"

"Oh shit yeah. Yoba, I always lose track of time when I play video games." Shane headed towards the door.

"This we should do it again sometime." Shane spoke quietly.

"Sounds great! See you tomorrow!"

"Yeah, see you tomorrow, (y/n)."

When he'd left, you cheered 'Yes!' in a hushed voice. You were finally getting Shane to open up a little more. You saw a lot of yourself in him and it made him easy to get to know. You were really coming to like Shane, though you were still concerned about his mental health.

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