Chapter 6: Reconnecting

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(Notes: I decided to redo chapters 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6)

~A few weeks later~

Shane had a big smile on his face as he walked through the door one evening.

"Hey Shane, you look unusually happy today,"

"You're right, I haven't felt this light since I was a kid," he marvelled

"Let me guess: Gus had a sale on beer," Marnie chuckled.

Shane took the hit "Good one. No, actually. I've been drinking sparkling water and Joja cola instead of beer...and I feel great! You know I sometimes forget that I really do have friends, people that care about me. And it's ok for me to rely on doesn't make me weak."

As Shane headed into the kitchen, Marnie smiled to herself.

"Hey Jas, I've got something for you." He laid a beautifully wrapped box on the table in front of Jas. Her eyes glittered as she undid the bow and unwrapped the box. She opened it up and gasped. He'd never seen her happier.

"Oh my yoba, oh my yoba, oh my yoba!!!!" She shrieked "These are real bunny-jewel slippers!!!" She laid the shoes down and leaped at Shane, wrapping herself around him, hugging him tightly. Shane was taken aback but quickly hugged her back. He was slowly getting used to hugging. Then, he picked her up and swung her around and she giggled with pure joy. When he put her down, she said "But these are so expensive! How did you afford them?"

"I've cut. back on an expensive habit. I have a lot more spending money now!"


Shane was spending a lot more time with Jas and had even caught up with Sam and Sebastian. It eased his mind a little the more people he spoke to and reminiscing with his old friends was equally funny and cringeworthy. He'd even had another gaming night with (y/n), though she remained unbeatable at Junimo Kart, much to his frustration.

Cutting back on alcohol was going to be the hardest part, he knew. He was addicted and his therapist told himhe couldn't just quit cold turkey. He was, however, making an effort to spend less time at the Saloon and swapping a can of beer for a can of cola. Most days it was Jas and (y/n)'s beautiful faces that he pictured to keep him going. He was doing it for them.

There were still many many days when he felt like going back to the cliffs and binge drinking the night away. Some days he didn't even get out of bed. If he was being honest, it was really fucking difficult seeing the shock on people's faces when he was nice to them and it made him realise what a shit person he had been and probably still was. Those thoughts were some of the hardest, what kept him in bed some days. The therapist had told him that recovery wasn't easy and it wasn't linear either. He'd begun taking antidepressants at the recommendation of his therapist and they seemed to be somewhat helping. Though he now had more energy than he used to, he felt incredibly numb. He didn't feel as depressed, but then again, he barely felt anything at all. He was hoping he'd get used to the pills and learn to feel things again.

Honestly, he'd found that reconnecting with nature and taking care of the chickens really helped clear his head most days. He was almost jealous of (y/n) for the simple fact that that was her job.

Shane was taking his role as Jas's godfather far more seriously. It was rough some days, having to explain to her why he couldn't get out of bed or didn't feel like playing with her but she somehow took it all in her stride. She was a smart girl and a strong girl too. Everyday he was proud of her and he made sure to tell her. He couldn't help but smile thinking about her. He'd also been teaching her about chickens and how to care for them properly. She loved those days the most. Sometimes (y/n) came and joined him and Jas. He treasured those moments dearly. They almost felt like a family.

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