Chapter 8: Please Be Safe

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It was another normal morning in Stardew Valley as you went through your morning routine. You were going mining today, so you needed to be prepared. You were getting close to the bottom and the mines were becoming far more dangerous. You were honestly a little nervous but you needed to do this.

After you finished watering the crops, you headed into town to say hi to Shane on his way to work before heading to the mines. Shane had been staying round yours more often and you'd been going on more dates. Picnics in the forest, fishing together, dinner at the Saloon. Though, Shane wasn't fond of the Saloon as it was a big trigger for his alcoholism, so you guys hadn't been going there much. You guys had had more video game nights and you'd even made homemade pizza together, as well as having more intimacy. You were super happy with Shane and you were definitely starting to think he was the one.

"Hey baby!" You said, giving Shane a hug.

"Hey chicken," he loved hugs with you and he loved holding you too. Although, he could feel the sword strapped down you back.

"Are you going mining again today?" The last time you had, you'd returned with some nasty cuts and bruises. He was so worried for you, his strong, capable girlfriend, alone in the mines. He definitely didn't doubt your ability to defend yourself but he did worry about the monsters.

"Yes, but I'll be fine, I've packed lots of snacks to keep my energy levels up." You said confidently.

"Just be careful (y/n)," Shane warned, his gut stirring. It was peobably just anxiety, he thought.

"Don't you worry, I will," you said giving him a kiss. "Have a nice day at work, Shane,"

"Yeah," he grumbled out of hatred for his work.


Damn, these void spirits were no joke, you thought as sweat poured down your brow. Plus the slimes, they made formidable enemies. You swung your sword at the one in front of you again, but it didn't fall, it just kept coming at you, pushing you back towards the wall. Another swipe of your sword still hadn't killed it. Fuck, you thought, back almost against the cold stone wall. The spirit's depthless black figure beared down on you. You took a deep breath before swing one last time, fully pressed against the jagged cave wall.

Poof! It vanished in a puff of smoke, dropping only a void essense in it's wake. You wiped the sweat off your brow with the back of your hand, pocketing the void essence and moving to the ladder you'd uncovered earlier.

You climbed down to the next level to find more enemies looming in the darkness. It would be pitch black if it weren't for the glow ring on your finger or the occasional torch. A void shaman lurked in the corner. You walked around the cave, mining rocks and slaying the slimes that slid around. You were getting pretty beat up and thought it was about time to head back. So, you made your way back towards the ladder that would lead you out when you were cornered by a void spirit and shaman.

You held your ground as the void spirit lurched towards you menacingly. You swung at the spirit but as soon as you did, the shaman cast a healing spell upon it's comrade. Shit, how were you supposed to get out of this one. You were still a ways from the ladder and the void spirit kept pushing you back, away from the ladder. With all the rocks surrounding you, you couldn't get to the shaman to eliminate him first.

You kept walking back, trapped, swinging at the void spirit but the shaman kept healing it. The panic began to flood your mind. Your eyes darted around, trying to find any escape. You were stuck down here. Who would find your dead body? You thought as your back once again pressed against the cold, jagged stone wall. As the sharp stones cut into you, you could feel the warm blood dribbling down your back.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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