Chapter 22//Connor

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We arrive at the restaurant just in time for the reservations, we are brought to a table that is in the back of the restaurant. It's fairly distant from everyone else and I find that somewhat comforting. Our waiter comes back over to get our orders and I take a good look at him for the first time. He's fairly attractive, around the same age as me with dark skin, dark hair and light eyes. He holds himself with a lot of confidence and a certain bit of flirty attitude. He glances at me and his lips purse in what looks to be appreciation, he gives me an over the top smile then asks,

"What can I get for you, handsome?" I hide my reaction to his words taking a side glance at Troye to see his arms crossed over his chest and a defined pout set on his lips. I look at my menu again then point to what I want as I say it,

"Um I'll have this avocado and eggs thing." I say and the waiter smiles at me while he writes that down.

"Good choice. That's one of my personal favorites." He says giving me a flirty wink, what the hell is this kid doing? This isn't really the place that you would go on a casual dinner date with your best bud. Can't he tell that Troye is my boyfriend? I mean look at him, he's sitting there looking like he literally wants to kill this...Bradley. The name is terrible. "Now would you like anything else to drink? We have a lovely selection of wines." He bats his eyelashes at me and I almost laugh, I smile at him and shake my head.

"No that'll be all for me thanks." I hand him my menu and the fucking kid makes a point out of touching my hand. Troye is getting more and more pissed by the minute and I'm just trying not to laugh because this is kind of really funny.

"And for you, sir?" Sir? Yikes, I don't understand why this guy would flirt with me when the literal definition of beauty is sitting across the table from me.

"Firstly I would like you to stop flirting with my soulmate." I kick Troye under the table as Brad looks between us like he's shocked. How dumb is he? Like I said earlier you do not take your platonic friend to this restaurant.

"I didn't realize-I'm sorry, sir." He keeps his eyes on his paper and waits for Troye to order. He ends up ordering the same thing as me and Brad walks away with his head hung over his paper like he's writing when really he's just ashamed.

"You know, you are really hot when your jealous." I say and Troye glares at me obviously not seeing the humor in this. "Come on Tro, loosen up a bit. You are my soulmate, you are the only one that I will ever want. It's your 19th birthday, babe, enjoy the night."

"Fine. Where are you taking me after this?" I chuckle at his question because he has to know that I'm not going to give him an answer. I just shake my head at him and he bats his eyelashes and sticks his lip out trying to get me to tell him but I won't. He'll appreciate our next location a lot more if I dont tell him where we are going.

"It's weird being able to talk to Dan and Phil after having them seem so huge and unreachable for so long. Before I met you I'd only met them like once. I thought they were just the big assholes they were making themselves seem like." He's not looking at me, he's looking down at his hands in his lap. Even when he starts talking he doesn't look up at me.

"Well Dan is an asshole most of the time to be quite honest. Really they are just two genius who are hopelessly in love with each other." Troye says quietly, not wanting to be overhead, as he looks at his hands fiddling in his lap. Why is he doing this to me? He refuses to look at me and he's acting as if there is a million things that he'd rather be doing. It's his birthday this is suppose to be a fun, good day but right now he looks kind of miserable. Why is he so hard to deal with? I like a challenge but dealing with this at the moment is exhausting. He won't look at me, he's barely touched me or kissed me since he gave me a blow job. He's scared of something and I think I know what it is but at the same time I'm to scared to think it.

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