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'you should not wear skirt above your knee! Okay?' he said glaring at me.

'okay.. i will not wear' i said with uncontrollable tears running down my face.

'Now loose your skirt'

I did as he said. 'go to the class' he said standing.

I went to the class and he came behind me.

The teacher in the class looked wierd at me, but allowed us because he was standing behind.

'sit in your places' the teacher said to us.

As i was about to sit in my place 'she'll stand' Issak said and sat in his place.

He grabbed my hand to make me stand near him.

I stood here silently and cried to myself as everyone ignored me even the teacher.

After 30 minutes the class got over, its lunch break but i didn't move an inch and stood there.

'cristo' issak called him, as i wondered what he is upto now.

'Do you see someone standing near me?' he asked glaring at him.

'No i don't see anyone, its not my business' he said casually.

'Good, you got your partner for thesis right?'

'yes, i.. i did' cristo said without looking at me.

'okay, you can leave' Issak said and looked at me, ' you got it right?, do the thesis with me'

'okay' i said looking down.

My leg is killing me, my thighs are throbbing and all these standing is not helping me.

'okay eat your lunch, I'll see you later' with that he went out.

i immediately sat for some time to ease the pain, my eyes are bloodshot because of all these crying but i couldn't help being laid on my desk and cried to myself.

Zara came and looked me with pity, 'come lets go to the canteen' she said without asking about anything. I nodded and went with her.

She bought us lunch and sat with me, we ate peacefully, she caressed my hands as she tried to comfort me, as she said 'i can't do anything to protect you sorry hana, he is a monster and more powerful'

'I know, thanks for this', i said without looking at her eyes, because if i did i would start to cry.

We went to the class after lunch, Issak was already there looking at me.

'ate?', he asked me and i said yes without looking at him.

'okay, we have 10 minutes break lets go to our place, follow me, zara u also join us' he said playing with his words.

'Alex, bring me a tub of water to our place', he said to his gang friend.

I held the hem of my dress tightly as fear took over me, as I don't know what he is upto now.

He went to the empty class room, where he burnt me with his cigar, i started to tremble and my hands went to my thighs.

'Its our place hana, you like it right', he asked flashing his smile.

I didn't reply and stood trembling,
He came near and caressed my face and moved my hair behind the ears.
It made me flinch and panic,
' Issak i. .. i didn't do anything.. please don't hurt me, please' i said with shaky voice and tears found its way.

' Didn't i said not to beg?, did i said or not?' he shouted, grabbing my neck.

'sorry. Sorry.. ple' he slapped me and pushed me on the floor.

Zara stood there watching me, she couldn't do anything, she wanted to help me, but she couldn't.

Alex came and kept the tub of water and left the classroom.

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