flames of intimidation

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"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." — Eleanor Roosevelt.

'Issak i... Ia ..iam sorry, i ..i don't like it.. i hate it' i said with a lot of stuttering as the fear took over me.

'kneel' he said sitting on the bed, stomping his foot near him, beckoning me to go near him.

'Issak please ' i said pleading him.

'Come before i drag you here' he said in a dangerous tone, giving me a warning.

I did it.

He took out his lighter.. the sight of it made of eyes wide and my body shook in fear.

'Hold the hand which slapped me in the air' he said playing with his lighter.

I fidgeted my fingers, looking down with a shivering body.

'sorry i will not do this again' i said as tear found it's way.

' don't worry, I'll make sure you never raise your hand, I'll show your place, now HOLD YOUR HAND IN THE AIR' he shouted like a mad man making me flinch.

I hesitantly did as he said, he grabbed my hand harshly and turned it the way my palm is facing him with one hand.

With his other hand he took his lighter, my heart is beating out of it's cage.

As he lit the lighter directly on my palm burning it, the pain is unbearable.

I tried to stand up and free from him, cried my heart out, pleaded him.

'kneel before i burn your legs' he said in a serious tone.

I kneeled accepting my defeat, he held my hands tightly as he burned it, he is too strong that I can't free from his hold.

'Please Issak stop.. please.. please . It hurts so much.. i can't take it please. I'll do whatever you say' i cried and shouted at him.

With that he left my hands and laid on his bed.

'kneel until i say' he informed me.

My palm hurts like hell, i cried with uncontrollable sobbing.

' you'll do whatever i say?' he asked, sitting in his previous position.

I didn't answer him, as i couldn't control my tears, i should have stayed in the streets, it's safer than being with him.

' strip and kiss me' he said with a huge smile on his face, i wish to tear it off.

'If i do that will you leave me ?' i asked hoping to end this misery.

'for the day, yess!' he said all excited.

I stoop up and removed my dress leaving me in my inners.

'remove completely' he said pointing at my inners.

'but..' i hesitated

After few minutes i removed it, stoop completely naked in front of him.

'come and sit on my lap' he said tapping on his thighs.

I complied with his orders.

I sat on his lap, folding my legs behind him, and my hands on his shoulder.

'kiss me'

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