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I said looking at his eyes, searching for any emotions but i couldn't find any.

His hands never left my hair, his holds got stronger. He slowly filled the gap between us. His body pressed mine. I tried to push him and my scalp hurts crazy.
'move away!'i shouted and cried.
His other hand travelled on my body. I started to panic and tried my best to free from him. But its of no use.
His hand moved from my thigh to my waist and to my breast.
He looked at me with a blank expression, playing with me and he is enjoying it.
I whimpered looking at him 'stop'.
He pressed my breast and his hands went to my butt. He pressed it roughly. ' I hate it, stop touching me, please'. I said hitting him and tried to push him away.
Then with his one hand he got my both arms and pinned it above my head. His other hand on my hair. Pulling it roughly.
I felt helpless. No one can save me from him.
Suddenly he kissed me. I closed my mouth tightly and trashed my legs and tried to move.
But he captured me with his body.
Another harsh pull on my hair, i tried to scream but with that his tongue got its way.
He kissed me roughly, I can't breathe, I can't move my hand, I can't take it anymore.
He left my hair and hand and kissed me holding my neck.
Like he's been craving for it.
His hand travelled all over my body.
Roughly pressing my boobs and butt.
After feeling content with himself he left me.
I fell to the ground, grasping for air.
I can't control my tears, i cried to myself.
'see, i can do anything to you, no one can help you, you belong to me.
Next time you speak nonsense you won't have roof above your head, and obviously you can't attend scool, you want to see that happen?'
He asked looking at my pathetic self.

'no' i said accepting my fate and defeat.

'good, but you will suffer for your words, next time think before you speak and beg to me' he said and left the room.

I hugged myself and comforted me.

I got up, and looked at the mirror. My thighs arms have belt marks.
I look terrible, broken and he broke me.

I went to rest room and freshened up.
I tried to open the door but i couldn't.
'Issak open the door!' i shouted but no reply.
I searched for my phone but its not here.
'Issak please open the door, i want to go to home' once again no reply.
I screamed, cried, threw things on the door, nothing worked.
After like 30 minutes he came back.
'why you closed the door?' i asked softly.
'coz I know you hate it' he said.
'what do you want from me?, can you please stop this?' i asked tears running down my face.
'I can't, I won't, pray that you don't see me after school, then i will not disturb you, until you do what i say'
He said caressing my face.
He gave me his hoodie and food.
'wear this and eat the food'.

Okay now 'str..

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