A peaceful day

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' kiss me'

I slowly leaned and kissed him, as hot tears left my eyes, I'm completely broken now.

'this is not a kiss Hana, let me show you how to kiss' with that he made me lay on the bed and towered over me, my silent tears never left me.

'you said you'll leave me' i said pleading him.

' I'll ' with that he kissed me roughly, caressing my hair behind the ears, he bit my lips and entered his tongue, exploring my mouth.

His hands travelled to my breast, as he groped it, making me cry more, the contact of his hand on my bare skin was too rough.

'you are so small Hana, you say that you don't like it but your body is saying other way'

He pinched my blossom, making me scream and his hands travelled to my kitty, ' you are wet' he said and continued his kiss while his hands explored my body, i tried to push him away.

'stop it' i begged him.

'okay okay, don't beg' with that he left me.

I cried hugging myself, it's the only thing I can do, shame on me.

I quickly dressed myself, before he comes again.

I washed my school dress for tomorrow, as i was about to sleep my stomach started to ache so much, i went to check and my prediction is correct, 'why now!' i cried at myself.

I went to the living room to see Issak laying on the sofa with his cigarette and using his mobile.
As he saw me he kept the phone away, 'you want me?' he asked playfully showing his every tooth and putting off his cigar.

'i want to go out ' i said avoiding his gaze, with that his expressions changed.

'no' he simply said and started to look at his phone again.

'i will come back soon' i said with pleading tone.

'what the fuck is wrong with you Hana? Can't you see the time? Will you whore around like this in your home?' he asked standing and with a blink of eye he came near me.

My body shivered with fear, 'n..no.. i..its.'

'SPEAK PROPERLY ' he shouted making me flinch.

And now tears found its way, 'its emergency ' i said looking down sobbing.
His expression changed, ' i will take you ' he said grabbing his car keys.

' I'll go by myself ' i said looking down. He raised his hands but turned around.

He is trying to control himself, he took a deep breath and grabbed my shoulders, moving my chin to look at his eyes, ' what's wrong?' he asked calmly like he used to once.

' periods.. i want pa..' i said embarrassed.

He again took a deep breath, ' it's not a big deal Hana, i will buy it for you, take rest'

He went out and came after 10 mins, buying me pads.

'Is this enough?' he asked giving me the shopping bag.

' thank you ' i said and went to the room.

After a long battle with myself, i slept for the day.

It felt like just now i closed my eyes within a second its morning, i woke up to see breakfast on the table with a note and my burned hand were bandaged with ointment.

'enjoy your bf, if you are too tired take leave, as it's friday you'll get sat sun leave'

I ate the breakfast and decided not to go school.

I took rest all day, thinking about my life, read some books, prepared for my tests, made lunch for me with the available ingredients, it's peaceful day with little cramps.

Issak came home after school, he made us snacks and we watched movie as if nothing happened between us.

He didn't hurt me or forced me, 'take rest, apply your ointments' with that he left me alone.

I removed the bandage to welcome the pain, applied ointment on every bruises and slept for the day.

Issak didn't hurt me further, he cooked, we ate together, watched movies, and studied for the exams.
He bought my inners and some other dresses from my home.

It's sunday, Issak made us lunch and we ate peacefully, we watched FRIENDS with chandler and joey, i forgot all this pain, they made me smile.

'lets go out' he said erasing my smile.

After 5 minutes we both entered his car and started to drive, while his hands rubbed my thighs, i ignored him, controlled myself not to push his hands.

The drive was silent, after a small nap we have reached out destination.

'you like it?' he asked as i didn't show any reaction.

I nodded and said ' who doesn't like beach '

He held my hands as we both walked near the shore and sat on the sand.

I removed my hand from his hold and played with the sand.

We both sat there silently, welcoming the beauty in front of us, the waves sound, cold breeze, the setting sun which is preparing to disappear.

As the sun sets over the horizon, its golden light casts a warm glow across the beach. The sky is painted with colours of orange, pink, and purple, reflecting on the gentle waves that lap at the shore. The trees sway softly in the evening breeze, and the scent of saltwater fills the air. The serene beauty of the moment creates a perfect backdrop for a peaceful end to the day.

'which side of you is real? what do you want from me? Why are you doing this? How long will you be like this? How long does your good side last? Will you ever leave me alone?' i asked him with all my courage.

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