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'Hana?' i heard HIS voice, it made me stop everything i was doing, i turned to his voice, anxious, nervous and the fear was evident on my face.

'Issak' his name left my lips, what is he doing here, i looked down at my dress, my burnt thigh, and to the side Jack, took my hands off him immediately and distanced myself from him. I grabbed the hem of my dress, my hands started to shake in fear, will he hurt me?, where is the confidence which i had before seeing him.. i started a panic session with myself.

'What are you doing here?' he asked with a calm tone but it made me panic.

'I.. i.. Jack birthday.. Friend ' I can't form a sentence, i stuttered very badly, Issak started at my dress as i tried to walk back slowly. I don't know what I am doing at this point.

Jack saw me like he was really concerned.
'Hana are you okay? What's happening? Issak ?.

Issak hugged Jack and said 'happy birthday cousin sorry for coming late but gotta go'

Jack looked at my nervous state and tried to calm me but Issak grabbed my hands harshly which startled me 'stay away from her' he said and dragged me out, all the people saw us weirdly.

I didn't say anything and followed him. He opened his car door and i got in without looking at his eyes.

He started the engine and we drove really fast, he is mad, his veins were popping out of his arm.


I tried to speak but words are not coming out of my mouth, I'm visibly shivering at this point.

'Explain!' he shouted this time, which made be flinch.

'I know Jack from my part time job, we became friends, he invited me to his birthday party' i said everything very quickly I don't even know if that is understandable to him. He didn't respond.

Suddenly i noticed that we were going in the direction of his house.
'Issak why are we going here? Please stop the car, i will go home myself, please stop, stop the car'
I said literally begging and pleading him with my hands on his arms.

'shut up' he said harshly and forcefully shoved my hands away.

I started to cry and beg more' sorry.. please leave me .. I don't want to be here .. stop please.. stop'

He banged on his steering wheel and shouted ' shut up you are irritating me more, one more word i don't know what I'll do'

I silently cried to myself, fidgeting my fingers.
He is gonna hurt me
He is gonna hurt me
These words kept repeating in my mind.

I looked at the door and it had a child lock
I thought of running away once he stopped the car, but he could catch me, i should see him in school.

He killed the engine and got out of the car.
'Issak i don't want to come, please..'
He slapped me, i cried even more because I don't know what to do.

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