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Will things ever go back to normal? How long will this misery taunt me? I can't look at him like I used to anymore. I hate him. I hate everything that's happening. It's his fault that he can't accept rejection. But I can't fight him. He knows everything about me. I sighed with frustration as i couldn't concentrate on my class.

I didn't see him for the day, after school i went home, took a bath, it really relaxed me, applied ointment on the wound and cursed him some more, then wore a tshirt with baggy jeans, made myself presentable for the work.

I didn't see him for the day, after school i went home, took a bath, it really relaxed me, applied ointment on the wound and cursed him some more, then wore a tshirt with baggy jeans, made myself presentable for the work

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Went to cafe and started my routine work, the same man from yesterday came, 'one americano' he said with a smile, i nodded and returned his smile,'fi..' before i could complete

5 minutes right?' he asked playfully.

'yes sir' i said and made his order. The day went like that and my shift came to an end for the day.

When i was about to leave to catch the bus, i saw Issak standing near his car. My body started to panic as fear was evident in my face. He beckoned me to come near. I fenched the hem of my bag tightly and went near him.

'you listen' he said looking at my dress.

I nodded and stood awkwardly.

'get in I'll drop you' he said opening his car door.

I didn't argue or said anything, i did as he said.

The drive was silent and quick.

He killed his engine near my home, ' complete the thesis if you want any help call me' he said looking at me.

'okay' i said and went inside the home.

I took a bath and relaxed myself, ' everything will be alright ' i repeated these words and comforted me. Then i started to do the thesis work , with some references from the books and internet i completed them within an hour, ' that's it for the day'.
With that i cleaned my room and went to sleep.

Next day i gave the thesis to Issak, he checked everything and nodded then submitted them to our lecturer.

He didn't looked at me for the day, no abuses, no hurt, no bully, everything was good.

I smiled at zara she returned it lightly and focused on her work.

I was alone, lonely but its not bad as long as I don't get hurt.

With the last class school got over, i followed everyday routine that is part time job, homework sleep.

A week went without any bruise, hurts or anything, i didn't see issak anywhere in the campus.

It's like everything went back to normal, the days were peaceful like it used to be. I hope i never see him again.

In the part time job I met the same person 'americano man' everyday, he smiled at me everyday.

He introduced himself to me, that his name is Jack and he is studying in the nearby university.

He seemed like a good person and he talked with me daily and kept company with me. We got quite close with each other.

'Hana would you like to come to my birthday party?' Jack asked me.

'I would love to' i said smiling and excitement evident on my face.

I have never been to a birthday party, once Issak took me to his birthday party but it had only 4 members from his gang and i didn't get to enjoy anything.

'okay sunday, lulu club, 9 pm' he said smiling with the same excitement.

'okay see you later' with that we parted ways.

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