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'kneel' he said waving a stick with his hand.

'Issak..' i said fidgeting my dress with running tears.

'Now!' he said in a low voice, making me more nervous.

I looked around if any of the students were passing by this class, no one was there.

I slowly went near the chair and did as he said, looking down at the floor, embarrassed.

'chin up, and stretch out your hands' he said moving my chin with the stick to look at him.

'Issak please' i said trying for the last time, but he didn't seem to care.
I did as he said and held my hands in the air in front of him.

'count 10, if you move your hand, you should count from the start, if you beg you'll face the consequences'

I made myself ready for this hell session, but my tears didn't stopped pouring.

'count' with that he hit my palm hardly, the impact was hurting like hell as the sound echoed in the room, i couldn't hold my position as i sat down and held my hands together near my chest and blowed on the fresh bruise with uncontrollable crying and whimpering.

'In your position, now' he said casually.

Psychopath i cursed him in my mind but I can't do anything to him.

I once again kneeled and held my hands showing my palms to him.

Without any warning he hit me again and said 'one' smiling at me.

My whimpering didn't stop, with the impact i closed my eyes tightly, and tried with all my strength to remain in this position, I can't mess up.

'one' i repeated him.

With that he hit me 5 times.

'now, your palm facing the ground'

My knee, palm hurts like hell, i should not beg, i should not beg i repeated these words inside my head and did as he said.

My hands were shivering, but he didn't showed any sympathy and hit hardly on my knuckles.

If before was hell, its 10 times the hell.

I cried out loud, but didn't moved from the position.

'six' i counted, then he completed the 10 hits and sat on the chair.

I sat down, crying, caressing my hurt hands and blowing on them.

'who said you can sit?' he said taking out his cigar.

Immediately i went back to kneel.

He laughed like a maniac 'i like what i see'.

I looked at the ground crying.

He lit the cigar and started to smoke.

It's been 10 minutes but he didn't tell me to sit, my knee is hurting, i wanted to shout at him or beg, but I don't want another session.
It will be over, i said to myself.

'you can go now' he said moving out of the room.
After crying and comforting myself i went back to the class.
Issak was in his place as if nothing happened, waved at me smiling and said to come in.

The teacher nodded, as i went in and sat on my place.

I couldn't even hold the pen, my hands were killing me and silent tears never stopped.

I was questioning my existence, the teacher saw all this but ignored me, the class is filled with students but no one helped me, zara.. she can't do anything.
Its my fate, i should accept it.

I was blankly staring at everyone, they all look happy, they all have FAMILY, FRIENDS, good for them i thought with a little smirk on my lips.

'What you thinking?' isaak voice startled me.

I turned to look at him, he is SMILING.

'you look happy' i said with a tear running down my cheek.

His face changed and we both stared at each other for sometime as i breaked the eye contact and turned.

I know these are small chapters,
Its my first time writing a story, please bear with my grammar and late updates.
Thank you guys for the votes and comments.
This means a lot 💖

( What would have happened, if Hana accepted his proposal without saying 'no'?)

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