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Another boat boy fic it is wooo! This one is not gonna be as 'cutesy' as the other one. Actually quite different, but it's definitely more interesting XD

Will introduce only the main characters (Joel and Etho) cause I dont wanna spoil anything!!

Joel and Etho are roommates. Joel is 22, Etho is 23. They have been living together for 2 and a half years now. Money is tight and they are struggling to pay their rent (Tina is the owner of their apartment btw).  Etho has a tiny crush on his roomie but nothing serious at all.

I will be using curse words + 'u' as 'you' cause trust me, Ive tried using the full form but I CANT. Really annoys me but its just something that I cannot fix sadly.

boat boys: Double Life- last couple standing winsWhere stories live. Discover now