chapter 1

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Joels POV:

"ETHO GET THE FUCK HERE!!!" I shouted at my roommate as loudly as possible. This guy was getting on my nerves..once again. "FOR FUCKS SAKE, ETHOOO!" I called out again after I didnt get an answer the first time.

I waited for a few more minutes. Still no answer. "Ur driving me insane, I swear to God-" I got up from the sofa and started walking towards his room. I swiftly opened the door and as soon as I stepped in I saw that motherfucker jerking off. My mouth went wide open and my cheeks turned a light pink shade. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH U?! U should learn how to respect my private space Joel this is so.." he shouted defensively.

"Please stop acting like a fucking child. Ur 23. When ur done with..whatever u were doing..please come, we have to talk. Seriously." I said with a cool tone and walked away.

Few minutes later Etho left his room and sat next to me on our sofa. "So? Whats up." he asked impatiently. "Our bills. All we eat is frozen food. Cant even afford to go to a restaurant with our friends..And including the rental fee- we are screwed if we dont pay Tina in 3 months. Then what? Im gonna be homeless for probably the rest of my life because of some lazy guy who doesnt even try to cooperate-" I stopped talking as soon as I had realized what I had just said.

"I- sorry. I didnt mean to insult u in any way.." I started explaining as he just looked at me with a dull expression. "Whatever. Used to it by now.." he muttered. "As for our 'awful problem' all I have to say is that Ive been working my ass off, just like u. So dont turn that on me!" as he said that he stormed off and shut the door angrily.
That night I decided to browse through some more job applications. Nothing really caught my eye, except one bright pink and red advert. 'I can work with this..' I thought to myself.

I quickly closed my laptop and took it with me. I was going to wake up Etho to ask him about his opinion. Without knocking on the door I barged into his room. He was asleep. I sat on his bed and just looked at him. I did feel a bit bad for trying to wake him up, didnt really matter.

After slapping his face twice he finally opened his eyes. "Gosh not u again.." he groaned angrily while standing up. "U will live. Its really important this time." and as I said that I opened my laptop to show him the thing I had found.

Are you and your partner in a need of money? Looking for something that would make your bond even stronger? If so, we have the exact solution for you! Join Double Life! A romantic show where 7 couples try to figure out which 2 people are the impostors. Last couple standing wins the grand prize of 600k dollars. Apply now!

"What is that.." Etho asked after a couple minutes of silence. "Well..what if we audition. We could fake being together and then we could win a lot of money. Split it of course. Maybe even move out of the apartment and go our separate ways. What do u think?"

He just started laughing. "Are u serious?? U think THIS is gonna work? Have u lost ur mind?! We cant even communicate normally without arguing about every single thing. Plus-" I cut him off. "Just- fucking shut up and think about it for a minute. The show is gonna last about 2 months. After that u will never ever have to see me again. Doesnt that sound soooo good..?? Cmon Etho. We need the goddamn money."

"U know what. Alright. But how are we gonna make up the fake dating story? I suppose they are gonna Interview us.." my roommate spoke. "We'll talk about that tomorrow. Goodnight boyfriend!" I winked and closed the door after me.

(686 words)

boat boys: Double Life- last couple standing winsWhere stories live. Discover now