chapter 6

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Ethos POV:

The next morning I was woken up by Joels alarm. We had fallen asleep on the couch. I swiftly opened my eyes and stood up. Joel however was still half asleep so I decided to turn off the alarm. "5 am fucking hell.." I murmured as I saw the time. I got up and went to my room to finish packing my luggage.

It was still rather early until the trip so I decided to make me and Joel some breakfast- just some regular cereal. After I was done with that, I went over the sofa and bended over, looking at Joel. I must have zoned out because after about 5 minutes he opened his eyes out of nowhere and shouted a loud 'what the fuck Etho!'. I giggled and told him that I had made breakfast.

After that Joel left me in the living room and went to finish packing as well. I decided to go to the shop and get us some new toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo and essentials like that. While I was walking around the makeup isle an idea came to my mind. 'What if..I get some makeup and put it on Joel while hes asleep..that would be funny.'
I picked up a hot pink blush, a red lipstick, some mascara and something with a beige color- I dont remember the name. At checkout I looked around and saw something I had forgotten to buy. I quickly took a condom just in case. U never know what Joels mind would invent.


I got home just in time, Joel was done packing. We tidied up the apartment, knowing that we would be coming back in probably 2-3 months. At the doorstep I stopped and looked back. "I cant believe Im doing this.." I chuckled and Joel pushed me by the arm. "Oh cmon..its gonna be totally worth it! I hope." I smiled and picked up mine and his bags. "After u, my lady." I giggled as I held the door open for my 'boyfriend'. "Wow look whos being gentle now..prince treatment would be nice though, I cant lie." he laughed back.

We went down the stairs and got out of the building. My car was in the front and we were going to use it because,Joel had left his at his friends place. I got into the drivers seat with Joel next to me. We were supposed to meet with three others somewhere in the outskirts of the town. Then we would get on a bus and go to the house.


We got there just in time. The place where we were at was a literal field with nothing but a bus and a few cars around it. We saw Scar and Grian, along with Martyn and Cleo. The others arrived in a few minutes as well and we were all ready to get going. The woman who had interviewed us back then was there as well, I suppose she was the person coming along with us.

We all got into the vehicle one by one. Joel and me sat next to each other because thats what all the other couples did as well. We couldnt afford to make a mistake when we hadnt even started the game. As we got to an empty row Joel looked at me with a glare that clearly meant 'Dont u dare sit next to the window!'. I grinned and did exactly that. He roller his eyes in frustration. We were going to travel for a good 3 hours so thankfully I had been smart enough to prepare some snacks, along with a card game. The seats were pretty wide and there was a small table in front of each one.

The driver started the engine and we began moving. Joel pulled out his headphones and shut me out by putting them on. "Whatever." I mumbled and looked throughout the window aside me. About 50 minutes had already passed by and I was already getting bored. As I was thinking to myself I suddenly felt something drop in my lap. As I turned around I saw Joel, quietly snoring. 'Oh my gosh..' I sighed as I reached my hand out to brush the hair out of his eyes. I quickly looked around and saw Ren staring at me intensely from the seat in front. So I did what I had to do- I put my hand on Joels cheek, rubbing circled onto it as I leaded down and pecked his forehead.


The next few hours flew by- Joel eventually woke up and after that we decided to play the card game to kill some time. Finally, we heard the ladys voice saying that we have almost arrived. In 5 minutes the bus stopped and all of us stepped out. As me and Joel turned around we saw the 'house' we were going to be staying in. "Holy shit.." Joel mumbled. This was a whole ass mansion! I knew it was rather big but damn.

(840 words)
Hi all:3 im back. Gotta love a filler chapter after a few months of absence, so sorry about that! Next few chapters MIGHT be kinda? fillers since the main main plot hasnt even begun! Its gonna be Trust me, u have no clue whats on my mind hehehs

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