chapter 2

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Joels POV:

"So how did u two meet?" the interviewer asked us. Me, Etho and the woman were sitting in a white room with two pink sofas. My roommate was quite literally shaking- I could feel his hand on mine trembling. After all we had to act like a real couple.

"We uh..3 years ago I went out with some friends. To a bar. I got really drunk and Etho found me laying on the bathroom floor. He took me to his house and we um..hooked up. In the morning we exchanged numbers. A few weeks later we started officially dating and after 4 months we moved in together." I explained. My voice sounded quite steady even though the story we had chosen was a little weird. I had been practicing telling it a few times.

"Would u say ur bond is strong? Have u guys ever thought of breaking up?" this question kind of caught us off guard. "Yeah of course. After all, 2 and a half years of dating is quite a lot, especially for people in their early 20s." Etho begun explaining while I just kept nodding and smiling like a fool.

"As for ur second question- yes, last year we cut ties because Joel um..cheated on me with his best friend Jimmy. But at that time I was out of town and he had really been missing me. So he kissed his homie!" his laugh was clearly fake and I couldnt help but feel like we were doomed. To my surprise the interviewers words were music to my ears. "Such an amazing relationship u two have. Exactly what we are looking for! Now tell me, whos the dominant one?"

'What the fuck are those questions..' I thought. I squeezed Ethos hand and he did it back. "Uhh Id say its me..but Etho wouldnt admit it in front of other people of course!" I chuckled and looked at my pretend boyfriend lovingly. "No way! U get so soft when we are alone! And ur the bottom more often so-" Etho protested and I just stared at him in a 'shut the hell up' way.

"Aah I see. Anyways, Joel, would u fight for Ethos life if hes in danger?" 'Holy fuck these questions keep getting worse..' I thought to myself. "Well duh, but that wouldnt be necessary, would it? We stay out of trouble most of the time." "And Etho, if something would happen would u save Joel rather than urself?" the woman asked again. Before he could say anything I kicked his leg as a warning. "Of course. He is the most important thing in my life and I wouldnt be able to live without him." my roommate said without any hesitation.

"Excellent. As its said in the advertisement of the show, u have to figure out which couple are the imposters. No further explanation will be needed, just spot the odd couple out. So, are u two good at solving mysteries? Have u attended college or are u attending right now?" "I have attended college for 3 years and Joel has attended for the same amount of time as well." Etho spoke up first.

"Alright. Few more questions and we are done. Do any of u have any kinks?" I was about to open my mouth but Etho blurted immediately. "Joel loves neck kisses." My face went all red. How the fuck did he know that.. "He does as well! I kiss his neck goodnight every evening!" I shouted in defense. Etho just laughed awkwardly and I smiled as well.

"U wouldnt mind to demonstrate, would u?" "W-what? Right now?" my hand were sweating as I spoke. "Oh no, I mean during the show. We are especially looking for couples whose love language is physical touch." the interviewer smiled. "Oh okay! Yea we are good with that, right Joel?" Etho turned to me and stared me in the eyes. I just nodded, cause I didnt wanna blow the whole thing. The next thing Etho did was a bit weird but it had to be done. He pecked my cheek and mumbled a quiet 'thank you'.

"Thats all for now. We will report to u after we interview some other couples as well. Thank u for ur time, have a great rest of the day." the woman smiled as we got up and left the room.

As soon as we stepped outside of the building I shouted at Etho. "HOW THE FUCK DO U KNOW ABOUT THE NECK KISSES??" He just chuckled and began walking home.

(765 words)

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