chapter 5

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Joels POV:

Three next day was spent packing up. The mansion where we were going to stay was outside of the province and the woman had told us we were going to stay there for maximum 2 months, which in my opinion was a lot. Thats why I decided to play it safe and take 3/4 of my clothes..not that they were a lot. Etho did the same thing even though all he wore were the same dark green tshirts. He had, I dont know, over 7 of the same kind! 'What an awful sense of fashion he has.' I thought to myself.

As I was packing, my roommate knocked on my door. "Joel? Do u have a spare pair of pjs that I could borrow?" "Why'd u ask me that? Dont u have ur own wardrobe?" "Well u know how we are gonna have to sleep together.. I usually go to bed naked so-" "U WHAT?? JUST USE ONE OF UR 3000 TSHIRTS FOR A PJ..weirdo!" I shouted and threw a sock at him. He murmured something and left the room.
The day after, we had already packed up almost everything we were going to need. Etho got a phonecall from Scar. "He said we could meet over some coffee today. Like a double date. What do u think?" "Fine by me but lets not stay out late. We have to wake up early for tomorrows trip."

I quickly got ready. Scar had said that it wasnt gonna be anything too fancy- just going to some café. Thankfully it wasnt far away so we decided to walk there. In awkward silence of course. As we arrived the two guys were already sitting on a table. Grian seemed a little bit worried but his partner was quite the opposite. He shook both mine and Ethos hands enthusiastically and smiled warmly. "Well hello there! Sit down, sit down! OOOH GRIAN I AM SO EXCITED TO BE MEETING NEW PEOPLE-" the brunette guy cut his first words off with a squeal aimed to his boyfriend who just flushed a little and smiled at him.

"So did u guys find about the show?" Grian stroke up a conversation. "We are a little short on money at the moment.. a friend of ours suggested we sign up and we took their advice." I said the most random thing that came to my mind. "What about u?" "I insisted that we make our bond stronger cause G che-" Scar started but then shut his mouth as he saw his boyfriend staring at him angrily.

"Anyways. Whats this alliance thing like?" Etho tried changing the topic of the conversation. "We basically share clues and suspicions with each other. Its not mandatory but it could be quite helpful. What I know is that the first few days are really lame. No mysteries or whatever.." Grian explained.

"Oh. My. Cod! I have the best idea ever. Listen so we can all ask the hosts to put our rooms on the same floor! So we can hang out more often!" Scar broke the silence. I laughed at the idea- he was a really funny guy and Etho seemed to think so too. "Scar, Im not sure thats the best idea, we dont wanna disturb their privacy so maybe ask them first if-" "Nahh, Im sure Etho and Joel wouldnt mind having us as neighbors! We will all become best buds and stuff! Right..?" Scar looked at me with his puppy eyes and Etho just mumbled a quiet 'Yes' through his laughter.
The rest of the so called double date went well. As we got home I went back to packing up my stuff and Etho sat down on the couch and watched some tv show. After some minutes of helplessly trying to stuff my pile of clothes in a bag I gave up and sat next to my roommate. "Etho. What if we dont win? Isnt it going to be weird after?" He didnt say anything for a moment but then spoke up. "Maybe it will." "Ur not gonna fall inlove with me, are u?" I chuckled. "Who knows. And ur not gonna fall inlove with me, right?" "I dont catch feelings over stupid shit like that."

(712 words)

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