Chapter 11. 1812 

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Olivia swallowed nervously.  "Your grace, I hope that whatever you must tell me is not terrible."
Julian shook his head. "No no, it is far from terrible."
Olivia relaxed. "Oh good, I was afraid you were going to say you no longer wished for me to be your mistress."
Julian shook his head. "No, of course not. I want you to be my mistress."
Olivia. "Good. What  is it that you wish to tell me?"
Julian. "It is a bit of a confession."
Olivia nodded. "I see. What is this confession?"
Julian took a breath, keeping his eyes fixed with hers. "My darling Olivia, I am falling in love with you."
Olivia gasped softly, her eyes going wide. "You are?"
Julian. "Yes.  I love everything about you, your beautiful eyes, your exquisite smile, your tender heart. From the moment I took your hand in the art gallery that day, I knew my heart belonged to you."
Olivia smiled sweetly, squeezing his hands. "My dearest Julian, I am falling in love with you too."
Julian smiled brightly. "You are?"
Olivia. "Yes. I adore everything about you, your magnificent eyes, your charming smile, your heart of gold. From the moment our eyes met when we stood in front of the picture of that beautiful rose in the art gallery, I knew my heart was yours."
Their eyes remained locked in a magnetic gaze, filled with fire and passion. Desire and love swirled through them, desperate to be released. Without even thinking, they slowly inched closer, their foreheads pressing together. 
Julian took her face between his hands. "May I kiss you?"
Olivia. "You certainly may."
Without any hesitation, without any regret, they closed the distance between them. Their lips touched, sending bolts of electricity cascading through their bodies. The kiss was soft and sweet, delicate and perfect.
Julian brought Olivia tightly against him, pressing her body to his. His tongue slipped free from his mouth, caressing her lips and asking for entrance. When he received it, his tongue dove into her mouth, gently touching her tongue with his.
Olivia moaned with pleasure, sliding her arms around his neck and pressing herself against him. She closed her eyes, feeling his arms intertwine around her waist. This was pure ecstasy.
Julian groaned with pure delight, pressing himself tightly to her. His eyes closed as pleasure swept through him. This was perfection.
They kissed deeply and passionately for several minutes, their tongues dancing a beautiful waltz. Reluctantly, they drew back, both of them gasping for air. They gazed at each other, their eyes glistening with love and adoration.
Julian caressed her cheek. "I wish to show you how much I love you."
Olivia looked at him, her heart pounding. "I wish to show you how much I love you in return."
Julian smiled tenderly. "Then I believe it is time we journey back to Richmond Park."
Olivia. "And what will we do once we arrive?"
Julian's eyes lit up like emerald gemstones. "My dear, once we return, we will be making love."
Those delicious words had Olivia's toes curling inside her silk slippers. That night, she and Julian would be making love to each other for the first time. She smiled at him. "Then let us not waste another minute."
Entering the ballroom, they said good night to Vivian before turning and leaving Morgan Park. Climbing into the carriage once Norbert brought it around to the front, they settled back against the tufted seat, their fingers intertwined. They knew their relationship had shifted from friendship to more. In that moment, they knew that love was in their favor.
Returning to Richmond Park several minutes later, Julian and Olivia stepped out of the carriage and walked into the estate. After telling the servants not to disturb them until the morning, they made their way upstairs and into Julian's bedroom. They closed the door quietly behind them.
Julian smiled at Olivia, his eyes glistening like deep green gemstones. "My dear, have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror?"
Olivia blinked, confused. "The mayor? Of course I have."
Julian shook his head, maneuvering her toward the large gold mirror in front of his king size bed. His lips came to her ear, his voice low and seductive. "No my love, I don't mean when you are dressed."
Olivia's eyes widened. "Oh. I must admit, I have not done such a thing."
Julian stood behind her, his hands moving to caress her shoulders. "Well then, I believe it is time we change that."
Olivia shivered. "What do you mean?"
Julian. "I will Undress you, and then Undress myself. Then I will make love to you before this mirror."
Olivia's heart began pounding against her ribs. This was it, the moment they had both been waiting for. She swallowed hard. "Oh."
Julian massaged her shoulders. "I will wait if you are not ready."
Olivia turned so that her eyes met his. She shook her head slowly. "No, I am ready."
Julian smiled, kissing her softly. "Good. And, as it is your first time, I promise I will be gentle. Beginning now."
Olivia nodded, returning his kiss. "I trust you."

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