{Chapter 7}

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Mimi huffed as she put on an unnecessary amount of bandages onto Kisses bleeding arms. "I can't believe you brought her out there without me." Mimi said for around the fourth time as she snapped at Sebastian again.

Kisses sat on top of a wooden table inside the kitchen. The wood was polished and decorated with a mat over it with intricate flower down and fringe layered on top of eachother. Kisses layed one arm already bandaged in her lap and the other arm outwards while Mimi held it to tie in bandages.
"With all due respect Master, my Lady has been getting fatigued even after just a few days. Her sickness could be caused by staying so cramped inside." Sebastian stated as he awkwardly stood beside Mimi and attempted to calm her irritation and worry down a bit.

"She can go in the backyard!" She exclaimed, putting her hands on the side of the table as Sebastian just sighed, Mimi knew that wouldn't help.

"I wanna go outside" Kisses stated flatly. Her range of emotions seemed to either be nervousness or flatness, she could feel herself belong as a forest creature though. Her tiredness was even more present being cooped up inside and Mimi was usually pretty busy so even though obviously Mimi wanted to talk to her more she couldn't.
Mimi grumbled thinking before holding Kisses hand. "My dead, next time you go out let me come with you okay? I'm the only one who can protect you from the lies of creatures here."

Mimi said so soothingly. Kisses just tilted her head at her.
"Why can't I trust anyone but you?" Kisses asked.

"They're selfish."
Mimi harshly stated before proceeding to leave the room. The med kit laid open next to the doll she found in the bushes. Sebastian could only put the med kit away while Kisses messed the hair of the doll.

It reminded her of herself, she was a doll too but, she was lucky to be able to move around and feel even if it was just mildly. Kisses kissed the doll on the forehead before getting spooked as Sebastian walked towards her without her noticing.
"What did you find my Lady?"

"A doll..." Kisses said awkwardly as she moved the doll in one hand and used the other to swoop the black part of her bangs out her eyes.

Sebastian hummed "Is it a cute doll?" He asked, trying to make Kisses comfortable after what happened. Kisses murmured something along the lines of yes making Sebastian smile back down at her.

"Her dress is purple and orange but she's all tattered and her hay is coming out." Kisses said pointedly, her eyes narrowing as she held the ripped parts of the doll's dress with her thumbs.
Sebastian just continued to smile as he drifted his hand to her back to let her off the table.
"I'm sure me or my Master will be able to sew it up for you." He said soothingly while he began to walk out.

Kisses not knowing what else to do followed. "Do you think Ebony will like her?" Kisses asked, thinking about the giant woman now.
Sebastian stopped for a moment in his tracks. "The Keeper of the Heart?" He asked with a bit of surprise in his voice.

Kisses blinked up confused "Yeah" She said simply.
Sebastian cleared his throat. "I can see why the Master doesn't want you going out now." He whispered although Kisses could still hear him clearly making her wonder what he meant.

Keeping his composure Sebastian straightened himself up and continued walking. "I'm sure any friend of yours will like it, my Lady." He said sweetly as he came to the entrance where he last put the strawberry basket. Having to leave it earlier at the entrance to provide medical attention to Kisses. Or at least he was going to be the one to provide it before Mimi came in, suddenly winding where Kisses had been and then seeing the blood.

"Would you like to eat my Lady?" He asked his back turned as he ushered Kisses to sit on the couch in the room with his other hand knowing the room placement at this time in his life. Kisses simply walked towards where he was pointing as she sat down. Sebastian went to the kitchen and washed the berries in the sink.

Another two maids came in the living room reminding Kisses that Sebastian wasn't the only one who worked here. These two were fox ladies like Ebony's followers but dressed in more maiden uniforms then the strawberry themed dresses her followers wore.
Kisses was snapped out of her thoughts as Sebastian walked inside of the room and sat down next to her to give her a small bowl of the berries he washed for her to eat. Kisses whispered a small thank you as Sebastian bowed and walked away to some other room.

Kisses sniffed at her berries and ate a few remembering how much she liked the taste of them. She felt a similar fatigue again. No one was in the room anymore. She could find Mimi but she didn't know if she was still mad or not so she didn't really feel like going around the house in order to find her to just discover that she didn't want to talk to her.

Kisses sighed as she walked to her bedroom with the doll and basket of berries. She didn't really feel like having an early sleep but laying down didn't seem that bad considering how tired she was.
Kisses came into her bare room, Mimi offered to help decorate it for her but she declined.

She placed the orange and purple doll down on her pillows, kissing her forehead softly while putting the berries down.
She began to lay down on the bed on top of the covers. Being on top of the covers made her more uncomfortable but, for some reason, would just rather suffer than go underneath.

The noise of the similar sound of paws of the foxes coming over the ground over Kisses room. It made her realize how the hours have passed of her tossing over her bed.
Kisses got up again like she did the first night and grabbed the basket, a gift for her new friend. To the entrance of the house is where she started to tip toe out.

Making sure no one was watching her as she opened the door out into the forest.

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