Part- 17

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Jeena's pov:

As I woke up, my mind was completely filled with mixed emotions. I'm so excited, getting off my couch i took a glance at my phone and that is when i realised "oh my god? It's just 5 am?" I'm so excited that I thought it's 8 already???? Damn it. Why can't it be 6 pm already?

Saying that I slept again. I hope i don't wake up in a half an hour with the same emotions.

Time skip to 10 am:

Finally I'm ready. I couldn't sleep so I decided to clean the entire house only to find old pics of me and my parents together. It has always been so amusing to clean the house and find old stuff and albums. The memories, the moments feel so alive. Especially when those people are present around you and you guys recall those moments. But now there's no one around me to talk with so I guess I'll just end up talking to myself and yeah I did.

Now that it's 10 am, I'm heading to the cafe. I can't wait for it to be 6 already mannn I'm so excited. Getting inside the bus, I watched the sky which was filled with white clouds, birds flying and the sun rays. The weather was so clear. I love watching sky so much, and there's no reason just comfort.

time skip:

now that I got out of the bus, I'm walking towards the cafe with a lot of excitement, since yesterday I've been feeling like, today's day is either way going to end but I don't want it to end. Im going to see my idol, my inspiration, my motivation, and my go to person for a comfort.
How do I explain it to you guys?

thinking this all to myself, now I reached the cafe. Everything was arranged so neatly, maybe my boss is here already. Bending my body a little i peeked to see if my boss was there, yes she was here. She did it all, but she didn't seem like the angry bird she is, well I think she's in a good mood today, just like I am. I entered the cafe, bowing down to her i greeted her a very good morning and headed in the kitchen to arrange the stuff and make it all up.

My mind was suddenly blown with the thoughts of that type-talk guy. Gosh, i really hope he doesn't come here today. Everything I see him he gives me mixed feelings which makes me so unsteady. God, please, please, please don't send him here. let me enjoy my day peacefully without the mental stress. With that, God heard me.
He didn't come today, but why?

"Say less jeena, you're the one who prayed for him to not to come here, and now you're the one who's concerned for his absence?" A realisation hit me hard, shrugging off my shoulder I walked out of the cafe. Now I can finally go home.

waiting at the bus stop, i was dripping in sweat. It's so hot outside, i should go with the summer clothing tomorrow onwards.
with that, i felt like someone's watching me I don't know just my instincts, or maybe I'm just thinking too much. With that, i saw my bus arrived. Getting in my bus, i headed towards home.

i finally am home, after a little freshen up. I went in my bedroom and picked up my dress. Putting it over my body just to see how it looks like for the 10th time, I smiled to myself in the mirror, in the awe of how beautiful it looked.

eating ramen, now my belly is filled. I went to do my makeup first. Why do I still feel like I'm being watched? Even when I'm in my own house? Anyways, I'm done with my makeup. Wearing up my outfit, i took the ticket, the lightstick, my phone and important stuff.

Locking up my house, i went in the elevator and pressed the button "ground".
Getting out of the elevator, there was a mild smile on my face. I was smiling the entire time. Now that I'm out of the residence, I started walking and finding the cab i booked when i was at home. i started searching for the number of the car, in less than a minute i felt a sharp pain on my head as if someone hit something strongly and I fell down.

I took a glance at the person, it was a guy, no, not a guy, a MAN. with that I fell unconscious.

who's he??


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