Admitting The Truth

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As I said in my description, these one-shots are from my Tumblr and I'm going ABC. I hope this is a lot easier omg and if you like it, I'll keep updating more on Watt. I'm kind of getting used to it now. 

Summary: Joe is confused with his feelings for Caspar so he decides to drink it away.

Note: This is in Joe's POV.


"We like to drink with Suggy cause Suggy is our mate! And when we drink with Suggy he gets it down in 8...7..."

I start chugging down my pint of beer, the third one to be exact, wanting to beat my all time record.


I slam the glass jar on the table, wiping the corner of my mouth afterwards. "YES! WOOHOO!"

"Shots for the boys! Shots for the boys!" Calfreezy chants, asking the bartender for a round of shots.

I stumble back a little, giggling, and Callux helps me stand better.

"Mate, don't you think you've had a little too much tonight?" he asks, I guess worried for my sake.

"Don't be such a wanker, Cal!" KSI hits the back of Cal's head. "If Suggy wants to be shit-faced, then let him. I ain't stoppin' him."

"I think Callux is right." Caspar intervenes, offering his hand to me. "Come on, Joe, let's go home. We have an interview in a couple of hours. We need sleep—"

I shake my head, struggling to get the shot of Vodka Calfreezy ordered. "It's rank to pass out on free drinks from the lads, Caspar!"

"Yeah, Caspar! Let Suggy have some fun." KSI cackles.

I end up grabbing the shot and downing it within seconds, letting the Vodka burn my throat.

That's the last thing I remember.


When I woke up the next morning, I didn't know where I was. My head was pounding and I felt like shit. I sat up, looking around the room, trying to figure out where the hell I ended up sleeping.

"Morning, gorgeous." A girl's voice says suddenly and I whip my head into the direction of the voice.

Some random brunette with just an over-sized jumper that barely reaches her knees walks over to my side. She hands me a glass of water and two pills.

"Where the fuck am I?"

"You don't remember last night?" she pouts. "We had a good time. I think your friend...JJ helped you get to my place know."

I felt absolutely disgusted and I had no idea why. I loved partying, drinking every night, and hanging with my mates...but...for some reason, all I could think about right now is Caspar.

Before I say anything else, I drink the water and the pills because fuck it, my head hurts too much and I doubt she would drug me. After I'm done, I hand her back the glass. "Do you know where Caspar is?"

"Caspar?" she tilts her head to the left, confusion written all over her face. "Doesn't ring a bell. But your phone has been blowing up for the past hour." she hands me my phone.

"Thanks." I mutter, unlocking my screen to see all my missed calls and text from my friends.

DJ Casp: You pissed me off.

DJ Casp: I hope you apologize when you come home.

DJ Casp: Okay, where the hell are you? You said you'd have two more drinks and then come home.

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