When You Can't Sleep At Night

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Helloooo, I'm posting my other fics that I never got to publish on here. You may or may have no read them on my Tumblr, but I might make these a little bit longer or not. :-)

I ALMOST FORGOT TO FREAK OUT OVER 6K+ VIEWS I WROTE IT ON MY DRAFT OF THIS OTHER FIC BUT I'M FIXING THAT. OK THAT DOESNT MATTER. I LOVE YOU ALL. Thank you for viewing my book and liking my shots. If I could give you all cupcakes, I would.

Summary: Caspar and Joe play the PT demo but Caspar can't sleep so he goes to bother his lovely significant other!


Caspar watches Joe turn off the camera and begins to shake his head, disappointed in himself. He cannot believe what they had just done. Who in the world decides to play a scary demo at two in the morning? Oh, that's right, them. Not only did Caspar regret this decision, but now he was scared of going to bed.

"Joe why did we do this?" Caspar asks, whining, and runs a hand through his messy hair. "I'm still drunk, tired, and now I'm afraid to sleep."

Joe laughs, walking over to the light switch across the room. "I just thought it'd be a laugh. Originally I was going to play by myself but then I heard you stumbling and here we are."

Caspar frowns, rising from the chair. "How do expect me to sleep tonight?! I'm going to dream of a fetus."

"A dead fetus." Joe corrects, laughing again, and makes his way back towards his roommate.

"Wow that makes me feel so much better, thanks Joe."

"Oh no problem, mate."

Caspar makes a face, hitting Joe's side playfully. "The things I do for you, I swear to god."

Joe was grateful to have someone like Caspar, even if he never gave him enough credit for him. He's never been good with expressing his emotions, so everything was pretty much new for Joe.


"...Joe...Joe...JoJo...wake up." Caspar hovers over Joe's face, trying to wake him up.

"Leave me alone, Oli. Don't you dare come near me with that thing!" Joe mumbles in his sleep, throwing his hands up in the air, as if he was pushing 'Oli' away. "Piss off, cactus!"

"Joe!" Caspar says again, his voice rising this time, and he begins to shake his shoulder.

"What?!" Joe wakes up all of a sudden, jumping up, bumping his head with Caspar. "Ow ow ow!" he rubs his forehead, frowning.

Caspar does the same, muttering a few curse words under his breath. This is not how he planned for it to go.

Joe, still half asleep, looks up at Caspar with his eyes slightly squinted, and then groans. "What the bloody hell are you doing here?"

"I told you I'd have trouble sleeping after playing that stupid game. I had a nightmare about that ugly fetus in my room. It wanted to eat me, Joe. Plus, it couldn't stop crying! This is all your fault. I'm sleeping here tonight." Caspar pouts cutely, hoping Joe would give in easily. He knew that Joe was weak when it came to night cuddles, but still. It was fun to torture your roommate, or well, secret lover in this case.

"...never again am I playing with a five year old at two in the goddamn morning." Joe murmurs, making some room for the twenty-one year old, and lifts up the covers.

Caspar quickly crawls underneath the covers and wraps an arm around Joe, automatically making Joe cuddle up to him. Whenever the younger roommate had a nightmare or couldn't sleep, he'd always sleep with Joe and, of course, cuddle. It was their little thing. Cute.

"You're enjoying this too, you know." Caspar tells him, glancing over at the beautiful boy in his arms. "You like it when we cuddle. Don't lie."

The corner of Joe's lips turns into a small smirk. "Maybe. Maybe that's why I made you play with me."

"Maybe that was a smart thing to do." Caspar leans down and presses a soft kiss on the elder's lips. Then, he kisses him once more, and again, and again.

Joe doesn't mind one bit, he places his small hand on Caspar's right cheek, returning all the small kisses.

The two weren't exactly sure how their friendship became more than just that, but they knew their feelings for each other were real. Plus, Caspar's flirtatious comments 24/7 kind of made it obvious.

"Goodnight, JoJo."

"Goodnight, Casp."


The next morning, or afternoon, Caspar wakes up first. He notices how Joe is clinging onto him, their legs are tangled with one another, and he just looks so peaceful. This is Caspar's favorite view, besides pizza. He knows that Joe loves to sleep but he doesn't care at this point. He wakes him up with a deep kiss in which Joe kisses back almost immediately.

"Mmm," Joe smiles, pulling away, and meets Caspar's gaze. "morning, Casp. How'd ya sleep?"

"Really good."

The twenty-four year old nods, laying his head on Caspar's chest, running a finger up and down his abs.

"Hey Joe?"


"I lied. I didn't have a nightmare last night. I just wanted to sleep with you."

"You sneaky little shit."


Don't you just love Caspar's honesty bc same. I remember writing this a few months ago? (I think) and I realized I wrote this when Joe was twenty three so I had to change that. CRIES JOE IS 24 NOW. okay, i'm shutting up but yeah. I hope you enjoyed this little fic! x

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