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Requested by an anon: Please, could you do a Jaspar fic where Caspar is jealous of Oli's and Joe's friendship? I love your fics, for real!

Note: This is more of a friendship jealous than a boyfriend jealous because I figured why not


Being Joe Sugg's roommate has it's perks. For starters, you get to use his bathroom. Okay, that's a lie. I purposely use it because it's nicer and I've been doing it for far too long, why quit now? Secondly, Joe knows how to cook. I mean, I have tried to cook in the past, but I almost burnt the flat down and now he's paranoid that I might do it again. Where is the trust in this relationship? Thirdly, he's a greek god. I know I've said this plenty of times on Twitter and it's true. He's very good looking and I'm allowed to admit this because we are roommates. I can go on with the reasons why it's good to live with him but the list would be too long and I'm not good with counting.

However, there is one thing I don't like about Joe.

He likes to hang out with Oli...a little bit too much.

I know they're close friends, I mean, I hang with Oli, too.

But Joe...Joe likes to play this game where he'll purposely make me mad and just ignore me for hours. It's so fucking annoying. Yet, I like it at the same time. I don't know. Our friendship is weird.

For the past week, it's been Oli this, Oli that, Oli made me this, and it's been driving me insane.

No, reader, I am not jealous. I am not jealous of how Joe spends more time with Oli more than me. That's ridiculous...


"Hey, I'm going over to Oli's and to Nando's later, want something?" Joe asks me randomly, grabbing his camera.

I look up from my desktop in the living room, taking a few seconds to think about it. "How long will you stay?"

Joe does a weird clicking sound with his tongue. "Actually, I'm not even sure. He's going to sleep over, though."

My jaw tightens a little. "Oh, is he now?"

Joe gives me a weird look, raising his eyebrow. "Yeah, we're filming my main channel video. You know this, I've told you, Caspar."

That's true but once he mentioned Oli in the same sentence, I stopped listening. Did he really think I cared about that, no thank you.

"Right, well, I'll text you if I want anything." I change the subject, not wanting to talk about him anymore.

"This is awkward." Joe notes and turns on his camera, making it face him. "So today I'm off to Oli's, I know, for once I'm the one leaving the house." he pauses. "Caspar's here, too."

I plaster on a fake smile when the camera is turned to me and I wave. "Add me on Snapchat. It's CasparLee1994."

Joe chuckles. "Make sure you add Caspar on Snapchat and add me while you're at it! ThatcherJoe."


I gave in to Joe's offer around five o'clock and begged him to bring back a burger and chips. He arrived with Oli at six.

"Here ya go buddy." Oli says, handing me the Nando's bag with my order.

I take it from him, nodding. "Cheers." I lean back into the couch, turning my attention to the television screen.

"Aaaaaaand we're home! We just brought back some uh, food for Caspar." Joe announces, making his way towards us. "Sorry it hasn't been much of vlogging today, guys, Oli is no fun."

"What'd ya mean I'm no fun!"

I take my burger out, unwrapping it just enough for me to take a bite. After I do, I grab the remote, pressing the volume button so the sound can become higher. I didn't want to hear them bicker. I didn't even want Oli in the same room.

"Aw, I'm just kidding, buddy, Come 'ere."

I chew obnoxiously and loudly, trying to block off the banter, but it still does not work.

"Will you both shut up?!" I ask, spinning my head around to find out they were closer than before. I'm assuming Joe gave Oli a half hug because that's what he does all the time now. All. The. Time.

Joe puts his camera away, holding his hands up in the air in defense. "Whoa, sorry, mate. Didn't mean to bother you. Let's go to my room, Oli. We need to film anyway."

"Alright! I'm going to grab a drink." Oli states, walking over to our fridge in high hopes of finding a beer, probably.

Joe takes this time to take a few steps towards me and slaps me in the head. If it weren't for the fact that I have a good grip on this dumb burger, I would have dropped it. "Fuck is wrong with you today?"

I roll my eyes, taking another bite of my burger. "Don't know what you're on about."

"Caspar, you're my roommate. I know you better than you know yourself, and you haven't been acting the same. What is up?"

Just as he's about to ask me something again, Oli comes back with three opened beers, handing us one. "You looked flipping thirsty." he tells me.

I genuinely smile at his gesture. "Thanks, buddy. I appreciate that. Unlike other people in this room."

Joe doesn't say anything else, instead, he storms off, leaving me and Oli alone.

"Okay...what just happened?" Oli asks, confused. "Did I just witness a Jaspar fight?"

"OLI IF YOU'RE NOT DOWN HERE IN FIVE SECONDS I'M TELLING EVERYONE YOUR SECRET CRUSH AND YOU KNOW I WILL DO IT." Joe exclaims from downstairs, making me flinch for Oli. Even though I disliked him (kind of, you know what I mean), Joe would definitely do that and I would feel bad.

"Oh piss off Joe!"


I end up going to my room about two hours later and when I reach my destination, I spot Joe's door closed. Yeah, he's mad at me.

I don't understand why he's mad at me.

I blame Oli.

If it weren't for Oli, I wouldn't have gotten annoyed and I wouldn't have snapped at Joe.

Goddamit, Oli White.


To Joe Sugg: I'm sorry.

Joe Sugg: What you on about?

Don't make me say it. You know what I'm talking about.

Joe Sugg: It's three in the morning and you're texting me a half-assed excuse? Nah, I'm not having that Caspar

I was jealous.

Joe Sugg: I beg your pardon?

I was jealous of Oli. I still am, I guess.

Joe Sugg: HAHAHAA!!! Why would you be jealous of Vladimir?

Because I felt like he was replacing me. It's not funny. :(

Joe Sugg: Awww...

Joe Sugg: That's annoyingly cute

Joe Sugg: He wouldn't replace you, shit head

Joe Sugg: I know I don't say this often but I love you

Joe Sugg: Even though I want to kill you half the time

Joe Sugg: Like right now

Good to know.

Joe Sugg: Anyway to make it up wanna help me prank Oli?

Joe Sugg: You know you want too....

My bathroom. Five minutes.

Joe Sugg: ;)

I set down my phone and smile stupidly. God I love this idiot so much.

A/N: I love Jaspar. A lot.

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