Chapter 3: Nightmares unleashed

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While on the plane Jay was again looking at pictures and texts between them, during their first few months of marriage from before he left. He remembers their wedding day so clearly, and how happy he and Hailey were with the biggest smiles on their faces and how happy it made him to see that smile on her face after weeks battling the anxiety and fear with the whole Roy Walton and FBI situation which they managed to be cleared of. which actually led to them getting married as they did not want to be apart anymore.

Every picture he looked at brought him back to a different memory and it made him smile, laugh, and cry while going through all of them. He felt so terrible leaving her as he knew he promised her it would be the one thing he would never do. Jay felt even worse after leaving her crying in their apartment when he left, to say goodbye to his brother and head to the airport, leaving only just a few short hours later, after telling her he enrolled back in the army. Jay couldn't wait to get back home to help find Hailey, so he could see her again and help her get through the trauma of this every step of the way, which he knows she will definitely have and to hopefully fix things between them.

Meanwhile, back with Hailey...

Her kidnapper walked into the room with a big grinning smirk on his face, it took Hailey a few seconds but finally realized with a shock that her kidnapper was Knox. Shaking, she asks him why he kidnapped her and what he wants with her. He smiles even bigger seeing her trembling, knowing she is scared and anxious and he taunts her by saying "I've been planning my revenge against Jay since that day he betrayed me and you both arrested me after that bomb case, when I heard Jay went back to the army, and I was being released on good behavior it was the perfect opportunity, he took my life now I'll take his. Let's see how Jay reacts, I can't wait to see the look of shock, guilt, and betrayal on his face when he finds out it was me who killed you, stupid bitch."

Hailey is terrified but finds herself having a brave moment in which she tells Knox "You have no right calling me a stupid bitch I won't let you insult and scare me. You're the immature man no you don't even deserve to be called a man an immature boy that thinks taking revenge on a man who only did the right thing, makes him superior and powerful you are just a coward and you deserve to rot in hell my unit will find you and you won't make it to a jail cell and if you do I hope you rot in prison for the rest of your life, how did you know where to find me anyway?"

This makes Knox angry so he tells her " I started following you once I got out of prison as I already knew where you worked, I have been spying on you for a long time now I knew I couldn't move on you yet when I saw you going home with Jay every night, I can't imagine what he would see in a whore like you, but then I noticed he never came home with you anymore and saw him leaving your apartment with his military bag and left, so I knew he probably left you after realizing what a stupid, dumb bitch, and whore you are, he probably realized how broken you were and knew how much baggage you have and decided to leave your pathetic ass" he taunts but carries on "anyways I gave it a few months to make sure he wouldn't come back but this morning you were such an easy target so I decided it was the perfect time to finally get my revenge. Now shut up and be prepared for the pain and torture you are about to go through"

Hailey is sitting there, shaking and crying, pleading with Knox after hearing this and is scared about what he is going to do to her and what it will do to Jay when he finds out. Knowing she's been triggered, her brain starts bringing back all her childhood memories of the abuse which she, her brothers, and mother went through at the hands of her father, which she thought she had locked up long ago, but they all just came flooding back. She gets taken out her head after her Knox yanks her up by her hair and she groans in pain, he tied her arms to a pole on the ceiling with chains so she is now hanging and is sobbing, pleading with her Knox to let her go but he starts punching, kicking, and beating her.

Finally, after an hour he stops and says "I bought someone you know very well with me I'm sure you'll remember him when I bring him in. I know you will be terrified once you see who it is" He leaves while she is still hanging there with blood running down her entire body along with bruises, cuts, and welts on her skin after being whipped and hit, after Knox tore her shirt and jeans off her body, leaving her shivering in her underwear and bra as it was freezing in that basement. She no longer had the energy to cry or fight, so she just hangs there numb and shaking, petrified of who Knox might have with him but knew it was probably not good from the big smirk he had on his face when he walked out and locked the door.

Knox walks back into the room just a few minutes later after unlocking the door again and another man walks in next to him which she recognizes to be her father. She starts crying and mumbles "How are you here? Where is mom? And don't even try to lie to me because I know for a fact she is still with you even though I have tried for years to get her to leave your abusive ass, I won't let you hurt or insult me you don't have that power over me anymore you pathetic coward. You're just a child who thinks beating on his wife and kids makes him a real man"

He starts laughing and tells her "you think by becoming a cop you can get away from me? And try and get me into prison? You're still that same pathetic slut you were when you were younger. You should know by now Hailey that I can always get out of everything I have my ways, and when Knox came to me with his plan after he got out of prison, I just knew it was the perfect way to get my revenge, get my punching bag back and to have my way with you. You think you're so high and mighty just because you took down some pathetic trafficking ring,"

He pauses seeing her shocked face and smirking "yeah, I know all about it. I saw a picture of you in the newspaper and finally I knew where you worked. Your pathetic bitch of a mother is at the house probably still crying after I beat her up this morning. But I told her she better do everything she's supposed to before I get home or I will beat her again. So, I actually have no clue where your stupid mother is and I don't care. Now it's time for some fun" he says and starts laughing, Knox laughs and walks out of the room shouting "enjoy your last few hours Hailey after this I hope you'll be dead"

After hearing both what her dad and Knox said she knew what was coming and tried moving away from them, kicking them and screaming as they untied her from the pole and let her fall on the floor, Knox pulled her by her head and laid her down on a mattress, she keeps fighting while this was happening until he tied her hands back to a pole behind her with the chains and chained her legs to the floor, but she keeps screaming and shouting begging for Jay to save her and make this stop and he tells her to stop shouting and shut up, and that Jay is not coming and will never find her but she continues screaming for Jay so he gags her with a rag again and tied it around her head and blindfolds her with duct tape. He then rips off the rest of her clothes and pushes himself into her. All Hailey can do now is let Knox do what he's about to do and she just lays there and sobs, screaming when she feels him push himself into her. Her father and Knox alternating raping her, and beating her, again and again and again over the next few hours, hurting her and making her body even more bruised and bloodied, Hailey just went numb and whimpering every so often, while not knowing she is being filmed and that her husband and the whole team will be able to see what she is going through.

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