Chapter 15: Breaking the silence

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Hey guys we're back with a new chapter just a warning this is a very heavy and sad chapter as Jay and Hailey finally have the talk they've been avoiding. I'd love to know what you think and if you think I should add onto this or what you think should happen next as always comments and kudos are appreciated and I wanted to thank you for all the support on this fic as this is my first time doing something like this so I'm grateful you are all loving and connecting to this story but without further ado here is chapter 15.

Hailey's journey of recovery is a testament to her resilience, but it's not without its bumps and turns, especially given the situation between her and Jay currently with the fact that they haven't had those conversations yet about everything that happened between them before and after Jay left as they both have not been in the right mental headspace and they want this to work again so they decided to do it when they were both in the right space so they wouldn't say hurtful things they don't mean that could ruin their relationship.

Hailey after thinking about it for some time decided that now that she is healing mentally and physically that now is the time to talk about it as they can't let it fester between them for much longer without both of them losing it. So Hailey decided to approach Jay about it and let him know that she's ready even though she knows it could be one of the worst things she'll ever go through as she knows they will fight, scream, cry, possibly hate each other, and so many other emotions but as they always said to each other they were good and they were always gonna be good so she knew that they would get through it.

One evening, as they sit together on the couch after dinner, she feels the weight of her thoughts pressing heavily on her heart. She glances at Jay, who is scrolling through his phone, a look of contentment on his face. Taking a deep breath, Hailey decides it's time.

"Jay," she starts softly, her voice steady but laced with an undertone of apprehension. Jay looks up, immediately sensing the seriousness in her tone. "What's on your mind?" he asks, setting his phone aside and turning to face her fully.

Hailey takes another deep breath, her eyes locking onto his. "I think we need to talk. About everything. About what happened before you left, and what happened after. We've been putting it off because we weren't ready, but I think... I think I'm ready now."

Jay's expression shifts to one of concern and understanding. He nods slowly, reaching out to take her hand. "Okay," he says gently. "I agree. We need to do this."

They move to the dining table, sitting across from each other. The air is thick with tension, but also with a shared determination to get through this together. Hailey begins, her voice trembling slightly.

"When you left, Jay, it felt like my world was falling apart. I was angry, hurt, and scared. I felt abandoned mean you were gone before you even left that's the worst part, even though I knew you were going through your own struggles. I just... I needed you, and you weren't there." Jay's eyes fill with regret as he listens. "Hailey, I'm so sorry. I was in a bad place, and I thought leaving was the only way to deal with it. But I realize now how much that hurt you, and I hate that I caused you pain. The second I arrived in Bolivia I regretted it. Even just leaving the apartment with you sobbing heartbroken was the hardest thing I think I've ever had to do but I needed to get back to the man you deserved and to get my head straight." His voice breaks on the last syllable.

Tears well up in Hailey's eyes, but she presses on." But Jay you still don't understand that you were gone months before you actually left it felt like we were strangers you barely acknowledged me, you were crossing lines, and for some reason which still hurts you didn't let me pull you back from it and I still don't know why? For months I went to work and came home alone I ate dinner alone waiting for you for hours before going to sleep and waking up without you. Why wouldn't you just talk to me, let me in like before. Jay this marriage can't work if we can't be open and honest with each other! Where did we go so wrong Jay, I still can't understand it? And then, while you were gone, I had to deal with so much. The cases, the pressure, the loneliness. I kept pushing everything down because I didn't want to face it. But it's all been bubbling up, and it's affected us, Jay. You have to know I do love you but for the last few months before and after you were gone, I hated you, you did the one thing I told you I couldn't handle"

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