Chapter 14: The road to recovery

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Hey guys I apologize with the chapter uploads being all over the place lately life has been crazy with work and exams and other things going on but I promise I will try getting back to a scheduled upload rather than just uploading randomly again I am so sorry but hopefully you'll love this chapter as much as I loved writing it as always I'd love to hear your thoughts and without further ado here's chapter 14


Back in the hospital room...

The hospital room felt sterile, its white walls echoing with the hushed whispers of nurses passing by. Hailey lay propped up on the bed, her gaze fixed on the window as she awaited the arrival of the doctor. Anxiety gnawed at her insides, a tangled mess of fear and uncertainty twisting in her chest. Jay staying silent beside her, knowing she just needed to be with herself and feel all the emotions she is currently going through, but squeezing her hand every once in a while, to let her know he's right beside her.

When the door finally swung open, Hailey's heart skipped a beat as the doctor stepped into the room, his expression grave yet reassuring, Jay helping her to keep somewhat calm. Dr. Miller was a seasoned professional, his calm demeanor a soothing balm for Hailey's frayed nerves. "Good morning, Hailey," Dr. Miller greeted her with a gentle smile. "How are you feeling today?" Hailey offered a faint nod, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'm... okay, I guess."

The doctor nodded in understanding, his gaze flickering briefly to the medical chart at the foot of the bed as well as glancing at Jay before focusing back on her. "I understand that this has been a difficult time for you," he said softly. "But we're here to help you through it. Today, we'll be running some tests and scans to assess your physical condition and ensure that you're on the right path to recovery."

As the morning wore on, Hailey found herself shuttled from one examination room to the next, subjected to a battery of tests and scans that left her feeling drained and vulnerable. All she wanted was Jay next to her, but she knew that Jay would be waiting in her room when she got back, as he could not come with her to have the tests and scans. The whirring of machines and the sterile smell of antiseptic filled the air, a constant reminder of the ordeal she had endured. Hours passed in a blur of medical jargon and clinical assessments, until finally, Dr. Miller returned to her side, his expression grave yet compassionate. Hailey focusing on Jay and him holding her as they waited to hear the news together.

"The tests have confirmed that physically, you're healing well," he informed her. "But I'm concerned about the emotional toll that this experience has taken on you. I'd like you to talk to Dr. Charles, He specializes in trauma therapy and could be a valuable resource for you as you navigate your recovery. I understand he may have talked with you a time or 2 before."

Hailey's heart clenched at the mention of therapy, her mind flooded with memories of past sessions that had left her feeling exposed and vulnerable. She held onto Jay knowing that he would catch her if she fell, he always had been her pillar of strength. She looked to him as she wanted to see what he thought about it. "it's up to you Hails, you know I'm behind you 100% with whatever you choose, but I think it might do you some good."

She nodded to what he said in trepidation and fear. But beneath the fear lurked a flicker of hope, a desperate longing for the chance to confront the demons that haunted her, knowing Jay was right and he would be there every step of the way.

With a hesitant nod, Hailey agreed to meet with Dr. Charles, her stomach churning with apprehension as she awaited his arrival. When the psychologist entered the room, his warm smile and gentle demeanor put her at ease, easing some of the tension coiled tightly within her chest.

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