Chapter 5: Darkness descends

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While the team was working to find Hailey along with her mom while Jay and Voight were currently questioning her, Hailey's heart stopping nightmare was still a reality, she was still in the cold dark basement, tied up, gagged and blindfolded, and blacked out from how rough Knox was raping her, and how rough her father was beating her, and from how much she was bleeding out due to being raped and beaten. Both men cackled when they saw this and Knox pulled out of her pulling his pants up, both men walking out of the basement locking the door once again, leaving Hailey unconscious, bleeding, battered and bruised on the basement floor after they unchained her and took off her gag and blindfold seeing as she passed out, knowing she wouldn't even have the energy to escape.

Hailey blacked out for the rest of the night. The next morning Hailey is starting to wake up again, she slowly blinks her eyes open and groans from the amount of pain that shoots through her body, as soon as she is fully conscious she notices she isn't chained up anymore, so she tries to drag herself to find a way out of the basement, but before she could, the door to the basement unlocks again and her father walks in shutting the door behind him, "finally, the stupid pathetic bitch is awake, I thought you'd be dead by now, I'll give you the credit, you're more stubborn than I remember."

At this, Hailey gets angry and snaps at her father "I'm not stubborn, I'm hanging on for my husband and my team, cause I know they will find you and make you regret what you have done for the rest of your life, then you will rot in a prison cell and become somebody's bitch and probably be stabbed when you're alone, that's how you'll die, alone and knowing you're a pathetic person that never deserved a place on this earth"

Hailey's dad gets angry and starts kicking, slapping, whipping, cutting, and hitting Hailey again, while she is begging him to stop as she can't last much longer, then he does something which scares Hailey, something she was not expecting, he pulls down his pants and begins forcing himself on Hailey, she was at the point where she doesn't even have the energy to cry, so she just lays there numb unable to do anything.

For the next hour, that's all her father does before she blacks out again, hoping that Jay and the team will find her before it's too late, and she will get to see Jay again, knowing that's a very slim chance. She knew she had been in that basement for at least a day and a half, and within that time had not been given food or water and had already lost a lot of blood.

Taking inventory of the damage done to her body she could tell that she would have a lot of damage internally, her left ankle was broken as her foot was in an awkward position, her right leg was broken, along with a sprained right wrist, and left broken arm, she likely also had a concussion, and quite a few broken ribs. Before she could determine anything else, she passed out into the blissfully pain-free darkness, that gave her some respite from the horror of her situation, at least for a little bit.

Again she is woken up but this time by Knox, pouring ice cold water over her which sent a shock through her body, he tells her "Time for me to have my fun with you again" and rapes her a third time, for 2 hours after which she becomes fully unconscious, after Knox left her locked up, wet, cold, and shivering along with everything else in the cold dark basement.

Meanwhile back in the bullpen...

Jay and Voight are questioning Hailey's mother, in the break room of District 21 "Amelia I need you to be 100% honest with me, with what I am about to ask you okay?" Jay gently confirms with her, to help her feel safe with him, and so that he wouldn't scare her, she nods agreeing with him, so he says "Amelia, Hailey was kidnapped yesterday morning by your husband and a man named Elliot Knox, we have a video of your husband, beating her up, and the other man raping her, that was sent to us by them, do you know why they would kidnap her? Anywhere you know that they could be keeping her or where they took her?"

Amelia immediately starts crying, after hearing what her daughter is going through, and starts to say " I don't know any man named Elliot Knox, so I can't give you any reasons for him, but my husband was always angry with our children, when they left the house as he knew he had no power over them anymore, and he became angrier when he found out Hailey became a police officer, I think he's been following her because he told me a year ago that you left with a military bag, and said you never came back"

When Jay heard this he became angry at Robert Upton, and angry at himself knowing that if he hadn't changed before he left he would've realized that Hailey's father was stalking her, and could've prevented any of this from happening, again he blamed himself for everything, making him feel so much worse when he realized him leaving made her vulnerable to her father. Amelia continued by saying "I have no idea where they would've taken her, but Robert and his family own a few pieces of property, 2 of which are abandoned, there's a house that no one has lived in for 3 years now, that he owns, and his father owns an abandoned factory that has not been used in 5 years, so he could've taken her to any one of those places." Jay asks her for the addresses to the 2 properties, which she gives him. Voight calls Trudy up to come sit with Amelia, while Jay and Voight inform the team what the plan was, given the information they had just received. Jay feels slightly hopeful that this could lead them to where Hailey is being kept.

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