Family Visit. Pt 1.

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Leora's POV

I was sitting at my desk studying some more as usual when I heard a knock at the door, expect food deliveries which come every Monday we never get visitors so I thought I imagined it at first, then I heard another knock, this time louder so I stood up quickly and headed to the door.

I checked myself in the mirror since I looked pretty scruffy most days when I stay home, and I opened the door to see my teacher Fleafiara and my parents stood there with my dad carrying three luggage bags. "Teacher! Mother, Father!" I said excitedly. It had been about 5 years since I had last seen them, but I wrote to them a lot about my studies, I have a spell that can send letters very fast.

"Leora, my dear girl! It's been too long!" My mother said as she hugged me. I hugged her back and then pulled away to welcome them in. We all sat down, and I asked. "What are you all doing here?" Fleafiara chuckled and answered. "We are here to see you, sweet one, I haven't received a letter from in months, the last letter I got said you were coming here so I thought I'd bring your parents along to visit." I cussed myself in my thoughts, knowing deep down this wouldn't of happen if I hadn't forgotten to write regularly but it had been a crazy three months since we got here, went to the Clan and came back. "I'm sorry, it has been a very chaotic few months, to be honest. My studying has been going well, though!" I said excitedly.

My mother looked at me like she could tell I was hiding something. "Well, you must be so lonely here. Are you still in touch with your mermaid?" Mother asked. She didn't really like most species but did a lot of learning when her daughter was born a Mage. She still falls into bad habits, though. "No, she left with her pod, and we are far from the ocean now. We ended on okay terms. I'm not lonely." My father then spoke, he is a very quiet man mostly but he can be really fun. "Have you made any friends, dear?" I smiled thinking about everyone I have met since my last letter. "A few, it's great meeting so many new people and experiencing lots of cultures."

Fleafiara smiled. "Well that's good dear, I hope it's okay that we stay here..." Just then, my mother inturputed. "Of course it is, surely even Mages miss their families, it's been 5 years, what harm will a week do?" I knew when my mother said things like this not to question or challenge her. "Would you want to stay here? There is only one bedroom." I said as I thought about how close the hotel was. "Well, I can fix that problem." Fleafiara said before turning the sofa my mother and I were sitting on into a bed and one of the armchairs into a recliner. My parents clapped, and I smiled. "Well, that settles that, thankyou Fleafiara." My mother said.

Fleafiara then went to ask about my magic studies when Girsha came in. "Leora, I'm home!" Girsha yelled before turning to see us. "Oh, you have company!" I got up quickly and rushed to her. "Girsha, these are my parents, Hilda and Lee, and my teacher Fleafiara."

Girsha smiled, and we walked over to the sofas. My father stood up and shook her hand. "Hello Girsha, why, aren't you tall?" Girsha laughed awkwardly. "Hello Sir, yes I am." My father was about a head smaller than Girsha, so he had to look up at her. "What is your relationship with our daughter?" My mother said as she moved to sit on the other armchair. "Well, ma'am, we are..." Girsha looked to me. I wasn't sure what to say either. We are technically engaged, but my mother would throw a fit at not being told straight away. So I said. "Girsha is my girlfriend." I said as I wrapped my arm around her. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Girsha, may I ask? What are you?"

I tried not to cringe and my mother's choice of words and sat on the edge of the sofa turned bed. "I am a Half-Orc Ma'am, my father is a human, and my mother is an orc." Girsha answered, to which my mother just nodded. "Well, I think you are very beautiful Girsha, you do know how to pick them, Leora. But why didn't you write about her?" Fleafiara asked as she examined Girsha from the new recliner. "We just got really busy, I was going to write soon. We are still settling into a routine." I said, hoping they wouldn't ask why it has taken so long. "Hm, something seems different about you, Leora? I can't pin what." My father said.

"I would say she seems very happy, but it has been 5 years, Lee." Fleafiara said softly to him. "No, no, I know 5 years can change a person, but this difference seems more inward?" I was worried Fleafiara might know more about Orc culture than she was letting on. She was always good at saying too much to my parents. "Well, how did you meet each other?" My mother asked as Girsha sat beside me. "I hired Girsha to bring me here, then we grew closer as the time passed, and she asked me out." I said. Nervously. Fleafiara clapped. "Aw, that is very sweet."

Girsha then saw the time and stood up. "Well, I better start dinner." She said before heading towards the kitchen area. "I will help." My father said as he stood up."Oh no, sir, I can handle it." My father looked at her seriously. "No, no, let me help, I am not here to be waited on." Girsha nodded, and Girsha started to get some veg and such out. "So Leora, now tell us, how are your studies progressing?" Fleafiara asked as my mother watched the two in the kitchen.

"Great! I've developed so much knowledge already. It's going by a lot quicker than I thought it would!" Fleafiara smiled. "Oh, I knew it would child, you are a rare talent, most Mages would rather skip the history and culture but by learning that part first you will develop an understanding of the magic before learning it, however you also possess a part of you that can soak up magical abilities like a sponge. It is incredible, and I wish I could replicate it in my new students."

"Well, if you came home and settled down, you would be able to help teach the new mages... as well as great some of your own?" My mother suggested that she always tries to get me to come home and start a family. "Mother, I told you I want to learn and explore, and I don't want to go back there. A lot happened that I don't want to remember." I looked to Girsha, who seemed to be getting on with my father. "You already know Hilda that Leora can't produce mages." Fleafiara said strongly. "Even if that Orc girl is incredible in bed, we can't expect babies soon." She continued, which made me blush bright red.

I stood up and walked to the kitchen and held Girsha's hand, leaving the two ladies to bicker. "Are you alright, my love?" Girsha asked as she wrapped her arms around me. "How much could you hear?" I asked, just ready to curl into a ball. "I only listened in to make sure you were comfortable, but I wasn't paying attention." I smiled and kissed her cheek. "I love you." Girsha smiled and pulled away to finish cooking. "I guess we'll have to prove them wrong about how incredible we are in bed." Girsha whispered, which made me blush again.

I slapped Girsha's shoulder, and she belly laughed, making me laugh too. I noticed my father smirk as he continued to follow one of Shegar's recipes. "Traditional Orc food? I asked excitedly. "Of course, anything for my Mage."

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