Chapter 3: Interview

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   "If you want to change things, you're going to have to go out there and change them yourself. Because there are no fairy godmothers in this world." Emma said to Ella. Me and Ritz were rewatching the show Once Opon A Time. (AGAIN) I think we were both getting pretty bored though.

   I started kissing him on the cheek.

   "Venny, what are you doing?" He asked.

   I started unbuttoning his shirt. "I'm bored." I say.

   He let me push his shirt off his shoulders. He draped his arms around my neck and-

   "Veneer? What are you doing?" I jumped at my brother's voice.

   Vincent had been hanging out with Lenny.

   "Oh- uhhh, watching a show?" I say.

   "So I can come in?" He asked.

   "NO!" I yell.

   "Why- Veneer, don't tell me you're-"

   "Hold on!" I said, and reached for my shirt. And pants.

   Ritz did the same and I opened the door. "Hey Vincent! W-what is it?"

   He raised an eyebrow at me and glanced at Ritz, who was buttoning up his shirt. "So you were-"

   "Don't ask." I say quickly.

   "Whatever, just wanted to tell you that I'm heading home. Lenny's fast asleep, so make sure you tell her kay'?"

   "Sure." I say.

   He left and I turned to Ritz. "Take that off." I laughed, hands on my hips.

   "Why don't you?" He asked.

   I laugh and crawled across the bed and over to him.

   I walk over to Velvet, who had called me down here, and Orchid. "What?" I ask irritatedly. Lets just say Velvet had interrupted something I was enjoying.

   She turned her head towards me and frowned. "Veneer, what happened to your shirt?"

   I raise an eyebrow. "What'd you think?"

   "Ew." She shuts her eyes for a sec. "Anyway, we have an interview tomorrow."

   "Why do you always do this without me?!" I exclaim.

   "Hey, don't forget, if it weren't for me you wouldn't have met your future husband." She said, scrolling on some social.

     I rolled my eyes at her. "Shut up." I say. Although, maybe...

     She laughed and clicked on something. "Doesn't that look delicious!" She said. There was a picture of a meal from Red Lobster. It looked amazing.

     My mouth watered. "I could use some lobster in my life."

     "Alright. I'm hungry too, so just gimme a sec to place the order. Why don't you go finish what you were doing?" She smirked.

     I walk into the room and see Ritz under the blanket to cover himself. I pull the blanket over myself and turn to Ritz. "Now, where were we?"

     "What did Velvet say?" He asks.

     "Apparently we have an interview tomorrow. Nothing big. And she ordered Red Lobster. I am kinda hungry now though." I say.

      He smirked at me and tried to pin me to the bed. Instead, I pinned him to the bed. His face turned a darker purple. I pushed a piece of hair out of his face and lowered down to my elbows and got as close to his face as possible without kissing him. "Hi." I whisper softly to him. His face was an even darker purple. "Hey, where'd all your confidence go?" I asked him teasingly.

     "A- away." He managed to say.

     "Awww, I like you like this. It's cute." I say as I kiss his cheek, then jawline, then neck.

     "Venny! Where did this confidence come from?" He asks.

     "I took it from you." I say through kisses.

     "Well that explains it." He says.

     I pause for a minute, and rest my head on his chest. "I love you." I whisper.

     Ritz relaxed under me. "I love you too Venny."

     We stayed like that for a while. I loved every minute.

-The next day-

     Me and Vels walked into the place and were greeted by Ritz. I had to restrain myself from running up to him, wrapping him in a hug, and covering his face with kisses.

     So instead, I cleared my throat and said: "Hey, are you going to be interviewing us again?"

     He shook his head. "No. But my friend Nick will be, HEY NICK!"

     A guy came in, he was wearing black shoes, cargo shorts, and a red shirt. "Yeah Ritz?"

     "This is Velvet and Veneer, the ones you'll be interviewing?" Ritz told him.

     "Yeah, yeah. I know. I still can't believe y'all kissed at a concert!" He laughed.

     "Hey keep your voice down!" Ritz hissed.

     "He knows?" I ask.

     "Yeah, after the video he wouldn't leave me alone." He tells me.

     "Anyways, you guys got here just in time. They need us down to the film room in five." Nick says.

-At film room-

     "We're live in three, two, one!" The camera guy said.

     "And we're back with The Bop On Top! And as promised, VELVET AND VENEER!" Nick opened. "So, first question, how's it going for you guys? Anything big going on?"

     "Well... Me and Vels ARE working on a new song." I say.

     "Aaaaaaand, Velvet added. "I'm no longer single." She smirked.

     "Really?" Nick asked.

     "Yes, finally found the right girl." She batted her eyelashes at the camera.

     "That's great news! What about you Veneer? Found the right person?" Nick looked at me.

     "I- Uhhhhh..." I glanced around. I saw Ritz standing behind the camera. He was leaning forward. "Um... No, not yet." I decided to say.

     "Alright, well then, next question, how is your new song coming along?"

     "It's going really well. Me and Veneer have been trying to figure out the background music." Vels told him.

     He asked a few other questions, and eventually me and Vels started towards our limo. Then I heard a: "HEY!"

     I turned around and saw Ritz running towards me. "Yes?" I ask.

     "Hey, you know, you could have told them. I wouldn't have minded to much." He said.

     "Really?" I ask.

     "Yeah, this has been going on for a while, I think it's about time we stopped hiding it." He laughed.

     I smiled lovingly at him. Then I grabbed his shoulders and pulled him in for a kiss. "See you later." I say, before running towards the limo with Velvet. So yeah, I just kissed my boyfriend in front of like... Five people, but we agreed to stop hiding it. And who knows if they even saw?

     "Bold move." Velvet says as I sat down.

     "Ya think?" I ask.

     "Mhm." She clicked on a velvet dress on Pinterest and saved it.

Hi! I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! Do you think in the next chapter I should write that someone saw it? Tell me in the comments!

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