Chapter 6: Asking For Their Blessing

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   I wrap my arms around Ritz's neck as he pinned me to the wall. "Where you gonna go now?" He giggled as he leaned in.

   "Wherever you are, which I guess ain't anywhere." I answer as I close my eyes.

   "Good." He mumbled into the kiss.

   "Oh get a room!" Lenny exclaimed. "Why are you doing this in the hallway!?"

   "She's right." Ritz smirked. "This would be more fun in bed."

   "EW!" Lenny hissed.

   "Please! You and Vincent are no different!" I laugh.

   She scowled at me, her face turning dark purple. Ritz and I smirked and kissed again.

   Then the doorbell rang and Lenny rushed to open the door.

   "Hi Lenny! Where's Ritz?" Kiki's voice rang into the house.

   "Him and Veneer are making out in the hall." Lenny said disgustedly.


   "What? I'm a brutally honest bitch, what did you expect?"

   Ritz wiped my lipstick off of his own lips and I did the same as we walked into the kitchen.

   Kiki and Rain both smothered him in hugs and kisses. He squirmed a bit and they finally let him go.

   "Hi Mom's." He grumbled, glaring at Lenny, who smirked.

   We all had a few beers and Ritz went to use the bathroom while Lenny walked into her room so she could invite Vincent over. Leaving me in the kitchen taking tiny sips from the bottle. I had a quiestion I wanted to ask, like, really bad, but I wasn't sure how to bring up the topic. They seemed to notice my behavior.

   "What's on your mind honey?" Rain asked.

   "I- um..." What's on my mind is I want to marry your son but I have no clue how to ask for your blessing! I breath in. "I want to ask you something."

   "And what's that darling?" Kiki asked.

   I take a deep breath. "I wanted to ask if I could have your blessing..." Deep breath. "To marry Ritz."

   "They both grinned and pulled me into a hug. "Of course you have our blessing!" Rain exclaimed.

   We all laugh and they kissed a few times.

   "Didn't think that would be the first thing I saw coming out here." I turn around and see Ritz. He put his arm around me and kissed me.

   "Hey! We're right here young man!" Kiki laughs.

   "You just did the same thing!" Ritz giggled.

   "Well we're the adults," Rain informed us.

   "Are you saying you being forty-three and me being twenty-two and Veneer being twenty-one makes us kids to you?" Ritz smirks.

   "Yes." They both say in unison.

   "Wow, I'm offended." He said, and just for good measure, kissed me again. Twice.

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