Chapter 11: Doulble?

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   I sit up and yawn, stretch, and look down at Ritz, who was still asleep. When he opened his eyes he smiled at and sat up.

   "Morning Venny." He whispers as he pressed his lips to mine.

   "Morning." I whisper into the kiss.

   He kisses me again, and I put hand on his cheek and my arm around his waist. He put his arms around my neck, and one of his hands runs through my hair as he crawls into my lap.

   "Ritzy, I think it's a bit too early for this..." I say into the kiss.

   He breaks the kiss and stares into my eyes. "Shit, you're just to pretty arn't you?"

   I grin at him, blushing. "Am I?"

   "Mhm." He murmers, kissing me again. I wanted this to last forever.

   There was a knock on the door, "What?!" I hiss, mad about the interruption.

   "Mom and Dad are here." Velvet said from the other side of the door.

   I groan. "I'll be out in a sec!"

   "Kay'!" I heard her walking away.

   I kiss Ritz one more time before getting up and grabbing an outfit from my closet. "Here." I say, tossing him a T-shirt and jeans.

   I walk into the bathroom and get dressed, when I walked out I saw that Ritz was waiting for me. "C'mon." I put my arm around his neck and wraps his around my waist as we walked downstairs and into the living room.

   "Hi-" I start to say before Mom wraps me in a hug.

   "Good morning baby!" She says.

Valencia's perspective:

   I smile at Ritz, who was standing right next to Veneer. He smiles back and waves. Then I noticed that there was something on his finger. Wait. Was that an ingagement ring? Velvet had just told us that she'd proposed to Orchid, her girlfriend, but hadn't said anything about Veneer.

   I decide to wait for him to bring up the topic, but as we all get into a convorsation about the Rage Dome show, it never comes up.

   "You know, Veneer," Velvet says. "Didn't you have something to tell Mom and Dad?"

   Now we'er getting somewhere. I thought.

   He sideyed her and cleared his throat. I prop my head up on my hands and waited for him to say what I knew he was going to say.

   "There is something..." He began.

   "Oh stop lagging Veneer, what's going on?" Victor asks.

   He cleared his throat again. "Uhhh,"

   "Oh my God speak!" Victor exclaimed.

   "I uh, I proposed to Ritz." He smiled, Ritz held up his hand for proof.

   I pull both of them into a hug that might have been a little to tight. "YESSSSSS! FINALLYYY!" I exclaim.

-After Valencia and Victor leave- (I'm lazy)

Velvet's perspective

   "Well that was certainly something." Veneer grins.

   "I guess." I say, looking at some flowers on Pinterest. Those would make a great bouquet. Then I had an idea.

   "Hey, what if we had a Doulble wedding?" I suggest.

   Veneer's face lit up. "That's a great idea! What'd you think Ritz?"

   "I love it." Ritz smiled at him.

   "What do you think Orchid?" I look at her.

   "It's a perfect idea." She smiled, draping her arms around my neck.

   I rest my hands on her waist and pull her into a kiss.

   "Oh get a room!" Veneer laughed as Ritz landed a quick peck on his cheek before heading to the cabinet to grab something.

   He pulled out a bottle of wine and poured it into four glasses. "Let's drink on it." He says.

   I grab a glass and so do the others. We raise them into the air and clink them together as we all say: "To a doulble wedding!" And drink.

Sorry this is short. This is the last chapter, there will be a third book, but it'll be a while until that since I want to finish my other fics like "Second Chance", "The Black Whidow", and "Our Time" first. I hope y'all are enjoying the story so far. Thanks for reading everyone! <3

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