Chapter 7: The Dome

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   I walk into the living room, Veneer was sitting on the couch, seemingly deep in thought. I also noticed that he was holding something, wait. Was it an engagement ring?!

   I sit down next to him, and peered over his shoulder. I let out a slow whistle and he jumps.

   I look at him, ginning. "Are you gonna propose?!" I exclaim.

   "Um... maybe?"

   I pull him into a tight hug. "OH MY GOSH! VENEER I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!"

   "V-Vels, I c- can't breath!"

   I loosen my grip but didn't let go. "Sorry!"

   He huggs me back. "It's okay."

   "Anyway," I say, letting him go. "When are you gonna propose?"

   He shrugs. "I'm not sure. Whenever feels right I guess."

   "You should make sure it's a special time." I suggest.

   He shrugs again.

   I yawn. "Anyways, we should be getting to bed. Night bro."

   "Good night." Veneer called. "Love you Vels!"

   "I love you too!" I say as I shut the door. Orchid was waiting for me.

-The next day at the Rage Dome-

Veneer's perspective:

   "You look good." Ritz says as I stepped out of the dressing room.

   "Thanks." I say shyly.

   He came over to me and grabbed my waist. "I mean it Venny. You're pretty."

   I blushed. "Thanks."

   "Oh stop saying 'thanks' and just kiss me." He laughs.

   And so I did.

   "Hey! Love Birds! One of you kinda has to sing in front of like, a million people!" Velvet said. "C'mon Veneer! Now you have to re-apply your lipstick!"

   "Shut up!" I smirk as I reach for my lipstick and put on a new coat.

   Me and Velvet step onto the stage, and the music to the first song starts.

Hi! So if anyone's wondering, yes, Velvet and Veneer are wearing their outfits from the movie.

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