Chapter 5: It's Happend

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Enjoy the lemon y'all.

   I could feel Orchid's hands moving throughout my body, it gave me chills as I landed kisses down her neck, she let out a small groan. Then she did something that both shocked me and gave me chills in the best way possible. She stuck her fingers up my crack.

   My eyes flutter open and I stare at her, a smile curving on my lips.

   Orchid laughed nervously. "Sorry." She whispered.

   I shake my head and kiss her, and when I break the kiss I say: "Don't be sorry Orchid, I liked it."

   After a while we stop to catch our breath and snuggle up.

   "What did you think?" I breath out eventually.

   "I loved it." She whispered.

   We ended up falling asleep and when I woke up, I wondered why both me and Orchid were naked before remembering last night.

   I grin and let myself fall onto the pillow laughing a bit, until finally, Orchid woke up.

   "Morning beautiful." I say, and she giggles.

   "Good morning gorgeous." She whispered.

   We got dressed and washed up and I started making breakfast.

   "Hey, should we wake up the boys?" Orchid asks.

   "Nah, let em' sleep." I yawn, moving my head away from the food so it didn't get germs in it.

   "Well, I wanna at least check on them." Orchid said.

   The food was done by now, Lilac, who had most likely smelled the bacon, was trying to find a way to jump onto the stovetop.

   "No ma'am, you have your food." I say, pointing to her half-eaten bowl. She meowed at me pleadingly and I rolled my eyes. "Ugh, fine." I say, grabbing a small piece of bacon and giving it to her.

   Orchid laughed. "Looks like she has quite the grip on you Vels."

   I raised my eyebrow and smirked. "Yeah, but I have an even bigger grip on you!" I tell her as I buttered the toast.

   She blushes and I hand her her plate of food, which contained bacon, toast, fried eggs, an omelet, hash, sausage, and Canadian bacon.

   "Thanks Vels." She says as we sit down.

   When we finished breakfast, we decided to check on the boys. I press my ear against the door so I wouldn't see anything that would scar me for life.


   I creak the door open and me and Orchid walk in. They were cuddling cutely, arms wrapped around each other, Veneer's head pressing against Ritz's chest and Ritz with his chin on top of Veneer's head, both of them smiling like total dorks. I knew very well that I never would have seen this when Veneer was with Rick.

   "Awwwwwwww." Orchid whispered.

   I smiled at her. "Der. C'mon, let's go shopping or something."

   I grab her hand and lead her out of my brother's room. When we get to the kitchen I yell: "CRIMP!"

   Orchid blinks as our assistant stumbles down the stairs. "Yes?"

   "Can you drive me and Orchid to the mall?" I ask.


   "Okay but get ready first girl, your hair is a mess!" I laugh.

   She giggles and heads upstairs to get ready. I turn to Orchid.

   "You know, I really do need to go shopping." She laughs.

   "Really?" I ask.

   "Yeah. Ritz's birthday is in a couple of days and I've been meaning to get to it."

   "Oh, that's cool."

   We arrived at the mall and we go to a clothing store, where Orchid found some Loonie Toons shirts. She grabbed one of each of the five choices and we went to the cash register.

   "I didn't know Ritz liked Loonie Toons, Veneer and I love that show, we used to watch it all the time!" I say.

   "Yeah, me, Ritz and Lenny were obsessed with it growing up." She laughs.

   Then she walked into a... toy store?

   She ran over to where there were an abundance of Hot Weels. She grabbed like ten of them and went to pay for them saying: "He's obsessed with collecting these things. If you saw his room you'd understand." I nod as the lady at the cash register puts them in a bag.

   After that we head to Channel and she grabbed dark purple lipstick, cologne, and whatever that stuff that you use to put over your skin to make it look better than it actually is.

   Then we went to Olaplex and she got him some soap, shampoo, conditioner, and hair gel.

   And then we go to Tiffany & co. and she bout a pack of earrings, and a braclet.

   "Hah! Finally done!" She breaths as we sit down on a bench by an indoor fountain.

   "Hey, how about a little bit of lobster and we can go and shop for ourselves!" I say, pointing to a nearby Red Lobster.

   "Great idea!" She says, quickly sneaking a quick kiss onto my cheek.

   I laugh and stand up to walk over. "You watch the stuff and I'll get us some food." I call as I walked into the restaurant.

-After shopping-

   Me and Orchid got into the limo and I heard Crimp start the car. Then my phone rang.

   It was Mom, I hit answer and put her on speaker. "What's up?" I ask.

   "Where are you?" She asked.

   "I went shopping with Orchid, why?"

   "Well me and your father are standing on your front porch."

   "Veneer's home."

   "Well clearly he isn't awake."

   "I'll be home in a sec."

   I hang up and tell Crimp that we were heading back home and she started driving.

   We get to the house and I unlock the door so we all could go inside.

   Mom hugged me and gave me a few kisses on the cheek. "Oh it's so good to see you!"

   "It's good to see you too!" I grin.

   We all sat down and talked for a while, until I heard Veneer walking in. "Morning, what's for- oh hi Mom, hi Dad."

   Ritz appeared behind him, smiled, then waved.

   Dad waved back in acknowlegment while Mom stood up and wrapped Veneer in a tight hug. "Morning baby! How are you! Hello Ritz."

   "Mom!" Veneer complained as she smothered his face in kisses.

   "Oh! I thought mothers knew best?" Ritz laughed.

   Veneer gave him a side eye and Mom finally let him breath.

   "Breackfast is in the fridge." I say as I pick up Lilac and sit down.

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