Chapter 9: "Will You Marry Me?"

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   My heart skipped a beat and my breath hitched as he pulled out a flipping ENGAGMENT RING.

   "Ritz," His electric blue eyes were stareing into my purple ones. "Will you marry me?"

   For a second, I couldn't speak, then I finally said: "YES! Oh my God, yes!" I started crying.

   He slipped the ring onto my finger and stood up. "Are you okay?" He asks. "You're crying."

   "No shit Sherlock." I laugh. "These are tears of joy!"

   He pulls me into a kiss and I didn't let it break for a long time. Then he kisses me again twice before Velvet interupted the best flipping moment of my life.

   "I'm so playing at the cerimony." She laughs.

   "Go ahead-" I  interrupt him when I pull him back in for another kiss.

   "Clingy much?" Veneer laughs.

   "Yes." I lean in again.

   Then my stupid walkie talkie buzzed. "Ritz, you're supposed to give Velvet and Veneer their award! Where are you?!"

   Kissing my flipping fiance! Oh my God FEANCE! That actually has a nice ring to it.

   "Ritz?" Veneer suddenly said.

   I blink. "Right." I say, and grab the walkie talkie. "Uh, yeah, be on stage in a sec."

   I wipe Venny's lipstick away and walk onto stage.

   I hand them both their award and they each hold up a side and raise it up so the million people in the crowd could see it. Show off's. I thought, smiling like a dork. He's so adorable. I was staring right at Veneer. My boyfriend. My fiance.

   My future husband.

   Everyone cheered at them adoringly, then, Venny handed Velvet the award, grabbed my waist, and pressed his lips to mine.

   The crowd screamed even more, and I think I even heard crying.


   Too bad. I thought. 

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