Some Girl || Miles Morales

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"My eyes are open wide; by the way, I made it through today"

-Second Chance, Shinedown

He'd been digging through the book the whole morning... Miles Morales continued flipping pages as the early hours of Saturday morning continued ticking away, waiting for his eyes to find that one specific picture he hadn't seen in forever.

The rows of names let him know he was close... his finger continued moving along the pages of his high school yearbook until they finally found the name he'd been searching for: Gwendolyn Stacy.

And there she was... eyes like lightning and a smile that Miles knew full well was holding back its full charm. He sat on his bed, dumbfounded all over again at how a human being could be so pretty... his fingertips traced her two-dimensional features, fantasies of doing the same in real life running amuck in his brain-

Knock, knock, knock!!

Miles inadvertently threw the yearbook in the direction of the knocking, his breath caught in his throat as he saw a familiar figure at the window: Ghost Spider... Max... Gwen... they were all one and the same.

"Morning, slugger!" Her familiar voice greeted, waving at Miles heartily. "Got some stuff to help add that spark to your arsenal, eh Miles?"

Her loose and positive greeting made Miles frown. The last time she'd spoken to him, she'd thrown an absolute fit over his decision to postpone his training for another day. Now... she was acting like nothing had happened?

"Uh... hi." Miles said, his stomach twisting nervously at how this training session was going to go... how was he supposed to break the news that he knew who she was? "You're in an oddly chipper mood today." He murmured, standing up and walking to the window.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She answered, sounding as if she had no clue what he was talking about.

Miles quirked an eyebrow at her tone. "Um... I... I hate to bring down your good mood, but... last time you were over here, you... um... got a little frustrated that we had to move this training session back?"

The masked face of the vigilante tilted, as if she was confused. "Nah, I don't remember that. You must be remembering things wrong." She said plainly, then began to pull herself upwards. "Meet you on the roof in five!"

Great. So now she's outright trying to gaslight me... Miles thought to himself, sighing and walking to his dresser before digging his mask out of his sock drawer. He was certain that it was the new suit causing this change in her-and as sickening as it had been to watch before, it seemed even darker now that Miles knew who 'Max' truly was. Gwen Stacy would never get worked up like that over Miles wanting to check in on family... and she'd certainly never try to manipulate Miles into thinking his own memories were a mirage.

Or would she?

Miles stared into the eyes of his mask, beginning to question whether this dream girl truly was all he'd thought she was... Miles had spent so long dreaming and praying that, somehow, someway, he'd be given a second chance with the girl that had captivated him... he'd eventually figured that it was pipe dreaming, just in time for Ghost Spider to waltz into his life and grab his attention. As it turned out, it had just been Gwen all over again... another layer to her increasingly complex and interesting personality.

That personality... it was not showing in anything that Gwen was doing now. And if Miles had to take action to bring it back? 

So be it. 

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