Chapter Ten

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A/N: oooooooooooohhh my freaking bananas you guysss! I have the best fans in the world. No, friends. you guys are so not my fans anymore. Your seriously my friends. You've talked to me and cheered me up those days when I had a migrane and didn't want to write anymore. You guys are what keeps me writing. You guys have NO clue how close I was to getting completely un-motivated and stopping the story. So to all you fans, no, friends that's ever chatted with me, this whole story is dedicated to you. I could've never asked for better fans. I love you all, babes. <3 xx Alex

Chapter 10: Visitors

Serena's POV

When I woke up the next morning, my head...was in such unbelievable pain. I had cold sweat running down my back, but I was freezing. I was weezing, fighting to breathe, which only made is worse. I felt so weak, so...dead. I guess that part was slightly due to the fact that Talen wasn't lying next to me, like he was when I fell asleep.

I could barely pull my head up from my pillow, I was in so much pain. I was sure one of my ribs were broken, and if hurt to move.

I changed out of my dress that I had fallen asleep in and put on some comfy running shorts and one of James' tshirts I had stolen a long time again. It was really comfy and big, like I needed right now.

I walked out of my room, gathering all the strength and stamina I had, and went down the stairs. I was so close to blacking out when I got down, and I swear if I wasn't a werewolf there's no way I could've gotten the strength to stay awake.

Then again, if I wasn't a werewolf, none of this would be happening.

"What the hell, Ser?"

i jumped, skittish, and whipped around to see James sitting on the couch playing my black ops game. Normally I would've jumped on him and slapped the living crap out of him for taking my game. But I just didn't have the strength.

He jumped up, grabbing my arm and steading me. "What the hell happened last night, Ser? Are you drugged?" He growled.

I brushed him off, scoffing at him. For some reason I was in a REALLY sour mood. "James, shut the hell up. No, I'm not drugged you idiot. I'm just sick." I regretted it once it was out of my mouth, 1) because It was rude. I knew James was just concerned about me. And 2) because that took a lot of energy to say, and now my vision was getting blurry again.

He looked taken aback a bit, but didn't give up. "Ser, I'm your twin. I know you. And besides, you look like hell." He didn't mean it in an insult, and I knew that. He was just stating what was probably the obvious. I hadn't looked in the mirror today yet, but I'm sure it was true.

I sat down on the couch slowly, trying to pull him down with me with the little strength I had. I looked him in the eye. "James..You know I'm a wolf. You know I'm a white wolf."

He just nodded.

"Well, Talen's my mate. I didn't know things like that existed, but they do. Talen's a werewolf too."

He didn't look as shocked as I thought he would, a little more angry than anything.

"White wolves are rare and unique. We have two mates, not just one. And i have to choose soon, otherwise I'll wilt away to nothing."

"you...what?' He demanded.

I gave him a sheepish smile. "Yeah. I don't even know my other mate. All I know is what he looks like; I saw him last night at prom."

"Well just choose already. You look like you lost 20 pounds overnight and you have some serious bags. If all that can happen in one day...Just..." He ran his hand through his hair, which I sincerely think is a male way of saying, 'I'm frustrated.' "Just choose already."

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