Chapter Nine

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A/N: SOOO SORRY GUYS! I'VE BEEN HAVING REALLY BAD MIGRANES AND HAVEN'T BEEN ABLE TO WRITE! :( The computer makes my headaches much worse..So yeah.  I just have a bad headache right now..So I'ma pull thru it and update for you guys :) oh! also imnportant!! I know this chapter is slow in the beginning, but it's important you read all of it. Otherwise you'll be very lost. Jusss saying. xx Alex (btw, picture of Serena and her fairytale dress is on the side.)

"oh, hey man." Jake ignored Talens outburst, seeing it as normal I guessed. "what are you doing here? Oh...are you guys...?"

I shook my head fiercely, "sleeping together? No. His mother is my stepmother."

" you guys are related...?" Jake raised his eyebrows over at Talen.

"No. Technically he's not related to his mother since his dad adopted him, and none of Sarahs blood is running through my veins, so neither is his."

“What the hell are you doing here?” Talen repeated.

“I just came to talk to Serena.”

“About?” Talen barked.

“Well I just wanted to tell her I knew about-“

I interrupted Jake before he could say anything else. “About us. About how we’re going to prom. He was just wishing us the best of luck.”

Talen raised his eyebrows, obviously not believing me. Hell, I wouldn’t believe me either. It was a horrible lie.

“Yeah…Well, I’m going to go. Nice seeing you guys.” He jumped off the railing, hitting the ground, balance perfect, with a light thud.

“Serena…” Talen starting, narrowing his eyes at me.

I threw my hands up in the air. “Fine! Fine! You know what! I um...I…I like you! Yeah. I needed advice. And I figured the best person to ask was Jake since apparently you guys are tight and stuff.”

I tried to make my self blush to make it more believable, but it didn’t seem to work.

I guess he believed it, though, because his features soften and he walked toward me, “Well why didn’t you just tell me?”

“I guess I was embarrassed.” I mumbled. It literally hurt to lie to him.

“C’mon, lets get you inside, your not cold?”

I shook my head. “Are you?”

He chuckled, “Well, no, but I’m a werewolf, re-re.”

Oh yeah, he still thought I was human.

I sighed, too upset to even get on to him about calling me re-re.



Today was prom.

I was freaking out a little bit since I don’t think anyone knew I was going with Talen but James. Hell, I don’t think anyone knew I was going at all but James.

I took a shower, washed my hair, brushed my teeth, and decided to go look up some pictures of pretty prom hair.

After about thirty minutes of watching videos, reading how-to’s, and looking up pictures, I gave up. Everything required a bunch of hair products or extreme talent, which I had neither of.

So I just decided to go with my natural hair and just let it down, since I never wore it down. Raiding Sarah’s makeup I found some mascara and eyeliner. I skipped out on flashy eye shadows since my dress was flashy enough already.

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