Chapter six

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Do you guys have ANY idea how much you guys mean to me?!?! You guys are the best people in the world, I swear. You're all personally my bffs. For real. I have like, TWENTY FREAKING comments (all together) on my story right now. I got them all in a matter of like 30 minutes. do you know how HAPPY that makes me?Of course, like ten of the comments were me, haha, but stilll.

For real, like, you guys are what makes the story so fun. You've made my day. I've been sitting at the computer for like four hours just writing and talking to people on here and making a timeline for my story. I was starting to become a little down due to no one giving me any feedback but you guys ARE FREAKING AWESOME! I love you! xoxo okay story time now.

Btw, this chapter is COMPLETELY dedicated to Muahahaxoxo! She's one of the nicest people on here and very welcoming, and her story POOLSIDE ROMANCE is amazing! :) Go fan her and read her story, like now. She's a sweetie! xx Alex

Chapter 6; Alone time, or so I thought.

“Are we there yet?” I asked, probably for the fifteenth million time.

He chuckled. “Almost Serena, almost.”

“Butttttttttt Talen! We’re out in the middle of no where!” I narrowed my eyes at him. “Your planning to murder me, aren’t you? You and Natasha are probably bffs and when we get here she’s going to jump out behind a tree and kill me, isn’t she?”

He ignored me, looking frustrated and a little hurt.

Hmm, I guess I figured out his master plan.

But what he doessssssssssn’t know is that I’m a werewolf too.Hehe. I guess it was good I didn't tell him then, huh?

"Are we there yet?" I asked again as he gestured for me to turn right.

He sighed. "Actually Serena, yes."

I grinned, giddy at the fact of just being with him. Even though I thought he was plotting to kill me, something inside of me was just plain giddy when he was around, and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

I frowned slightly, parking on the side of the road. "This is it?"

He shook his head, taking my hand as those darn lightning blots went through me. His eyes shots down to our hands and I think he felt it too. Atleast, I hope he did.

I knew this was a bad time, but I said it anyways. "So, is um, Natasha meeting us here?"

He chuckled, shaking his head. "Re-re, I'm not going to kill you." He put his hand up to my face and and stroked my cheek lightly. It was the first time he'd ever touched me like that, and I could feel the fireworks through my very being. "I'll pretect you from anything."  He said, almost fiercly.

and again, I knew this was a bad time but, like always, I said it anyways. "What did you call me?"

His hand dropped and he chuckled. "Well, I needed a nickname for you. 'Rena was going to work, so I went with re-re."

Uhm. "Ally, you know what that means right?"

"No? And why did you just call me Ally?"

I sighed. He was a sheltered werewolf, I guess. "By calling me re-re, your calling me retarded."

He snickered, amused. "Well, you know...It fits..."

I mustered all my arm strength, which honestly wasn't much, even though I was a wolf, and hit his arm. "Jerk!"

"Ow!" He whined, rubbing the spot I'd hit him.

"Baby." I muttered. "Alright, where are we going?"

"Follow me." He pushed back some branches and we walked for a minute in a little forest looking place, before stepping into a bush.

"Uh...What...?" There was no way he wasted all my gas so we could sit in a freaking bush. "Oomph!" A tan hand came out of the bush, grabbed my arm and shoved me in the bush. I closed my eyes, waiting for Natasha to do her evil laugh and then be down with me. Instead, I heard waves.

I squinted open one eye, expecting her to be standing over me with a knife. Instead, it was just Talen starring at me with an amused look on his face. I gasped quietly when I realized where I was.









His amused grin slipped, and his eyes were suddenly full of worry. "What's wrong?"


His amused grin came back, and he just grabbed hand. "Re-re, I'll be right beside you, kay?

I narrowed my eyes at him, not trusting him. "Fine, but I'm not going in the water."

He sighed and sat sown on the sand and gestured for me to sit down beside him. I sighed and sat down.

"I guess this is pretty." I mumbled. It was probably five o clock and the sun was starting to dim and go down. They clouds had turned orange and pink, and the sun was reflected off the water in the most beautiful way.

"Not as pretty as you." He whispered, starring at the sun.

We sat like that for a long time. Being close to him..It was just perfect.




crunch crunch crunch

Talen tensed up and a half a second later, I felt myself do the same. We both smelt him/her coming. It was a wolf. He/she wasn't charging, more like walking carefully to sneak up on us. I guess he/she thought we were humans and he could suprise us.

He stood up, bringing me with him and threw me behind him, growling lowly.

Oh, well, uh, shit.

The wolf was a light grey, almost whiteish color. It was a pretty wolf, well taken care of. It wasn't a rogue or a loner, that I could tell. It was well groomed and fed, & I silently prayed he didn't have a bunch of wolfs with him. Talen & I could fight this one, but what if he had six with him, or ten?

Talen untensed and suddenly started smiling. "Jake!"

the wolf nodded and walked over to us, nudging Talen and looking up to me.

"This is Serena." He introduced.

The wolf examined me for a minute and turned and walked away, going back into the forest.

Did...I do something?

I was about to ask Talen that question when a guy came out of the woods in loose shorts and was putting on a shirt. I had to say, he was hot. Tousled dark brown hair and very, very good abs. Maybe I could set him up with someone.

"Taleennn, my man!"

I rolled my eyes at their little bro hug while they called each other 'dudes' and stuff, when Jake looked over at me. "Who's this?" He asked, raising his eyebrows at me.

"I'm Serena."

He smiled at me, nudging Talen suggestively, "So she's...?"

Talen just grunted, followed by his clearing his throat.

What was Jake going to say? Girlfriend?

I guessed it just proved Talen didn't want to go out with me.

Whatever, I'm a big girl I can handle it.

"Where's the rest of the..pack?" Talen asked.

Jake rubbed his neck, clearly stressed. "Dude, I have bad news."

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