Chapter five

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A/N: So sorry it took me so long to update. I've been pretty busy and it took me a couple of hour to write a timeline out before I could continue writing. You must understand, if I'm going to go on writing this I have to have some ideas. And I do, lots of them! :D

Anyway, on to the story since it's not like you guys are going to read this anyways, ;) xoxo



"How did you know?"

Chapter five; Yupp, Talen is an extra terrestrial. Oh, and a werewolf.

Serena's POV

"Uhh...I used to know someone who was a wolf. I've seen that look. No one else has it, not even the angriest people in the world can look as angry as a wolf that's about to...yeah." I lied. Truthfully, I'd known that look from myself. I've felt the tremble going through your body as you fought the urge to let the wolf part of you take over.

Even though ever fiber in my body was screaming at me, calling me names and yelling profanities at me for lying to him, I didn't take it back. Even though, for some reason, if felt like Talen was taking over. Like he was a part of me, and I needed him. I'd do stupid stuff for him. I'd give myself to him, stand by him as long as he needed it. And even through all that, there was still part of the old Serena, a very little part, that still made sense and kept me from telling him my secret and throwing my self on him right now.

Because, and this is Sensible Serena (SS) talking now, I really have only know the guy for what, 3 days? Hell, I haven't even told my own father my secret. Only my brothers know. James knows the most, though. So there was no way I was going to tell Talen after only 72 hours.

He nodded, like he knew exactly what I was talking about. "Yeah, I was so close to loosing my cool. Thanks for saving me."

"What the hell did she do to you to make you that mad? Give you a STD or something?"

He growled, like he was remembering why he was mad. Hmm, maybe I shouldn't have brought this up so soon. Whatever, the damage is already done.

"Did you even hear what she said to you! She called you fat! And then a whore!"

I stayed there a minute, shocked and wide eyed, and then I started laughing. "Thats...Why....You...Were...So.....Mad?" I said between fits of laughter.

Even though it wasn't all that funny, I HAD expected it to be something bigger than that. Why did he even care anyways?

I tried to control myself, making my self stop laughing and trying to cover it up with a cough instead, since he looked like he was only getting angrier and angrier. I don't know why I was in such a giddy mood today, but then, I did know why.

It was because of him, Stupid Stupid Serena (SSS) told me.

Yepp, I named my multiple personalities. Talen is driving me that insane.

"Talen, Taylor's just like that. She's crawling with STD's and probably AIDS too. If she didn't make people so scared of her, do you know how much hell she would get at school for being such a slut? She just wants to make other people feel bad, that way she feels better about her self."

"I don't care what the hell her reasons are! She is never going to mess with you again or I will murder her!" His face only seemed to go redder, and I couldn't believe how he still managed to look like a god.

Well that's great. He's a crazy psycho with anger problems.

And apparently I'm incapable of calming him down.

...fml. Just...fml.

"Do you know what mister! Shut your pie hole and get over it! Your getting all worked up over something DUMB that happened like half an hour ago! And don't you dare snap at me again! And if you want me to be your friend, STOP threatning to murder high school students!" I snapped, my voice growing louder and louder, my finger wagging in his face. I kept myself enough under control, enough where it just looked like i was PMS-ing or just plain human anger, there was no way I could show him my wolf anger, that would give everything away.

He stared at me for a minute, kind of shocked. Then he looked away, staring out the window for a minute. "Fine." He stated, looking me dead in the eye.


"Wait, huh?"

"I said fine. I'll try to get over it, and I'll try not to snap at you again. But you know, I am a wolf, so I can't promise anything." He smiled a crocked sloppy grin, his red face gone and he was back to normal.

Oh my god. I'm in love with a bi-polar man.

HOLLLLYYYYYY FUDGE! I did not just say I was in love with him! 72 hours Serena, 72 hours! I reminded myself. That's how long I've known him. It was just a stupid slip of the tounge. Or more like a stupid slip of 'thought.' I chuckled to myself.

A stupid slip of thought. I totally just made that a phrase.

"Serena, are you even listening to me?" Talen waved his hand in front of my face and jumped, hitting my head of the ceiling of my car I jumped so high.

"Yes--I mean, holy shit OW!" I slapped him on the arm. "What the FUDGE was that for?"

He chuckled, unphased by my slap. "Hey, you did it. I was just trying to get you out of lala land."

I frowned. “I wasn’t in lala land…I was just making up a phrase in my head.”

“Um, okay. How about we skip school, since I’m sure we’ve already missed two periods talking.”

Okay okay, there was so many sides of this kid. I guess like me. There was Angry Talen, (AT), Nice Talen, (NT), Cocky Talen, (CT), and this mixture of all of them, which was (ANCT). And right now, seeing the light in his eyes at the thought of skipping with me, he was Excited Talen, (ET).

Hehe, ET. Like Extra terrestrial. Like alien.

Haahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahaha. He was acting like an alien! Hahahahahahhaha!


“Hehe. Your acting like an alien, Talen.”

“Wait, what?” He frowned, “you didn’t sleep much last night did you?”

“Uh…maybe, maybe not? Anyway, never mind, yeah lets skip.” I started up the engine when he looked over at me, dumbfounded. “What?”

“I’m driving. Duh.”

“Uh, no, this is my baby.” I rubbed the steering wheel. “I’m driving.”

He leaned over to me, breathing in my ear that sent shivers down my spine. I thought he was going to tell me something, but I was sent into daze, and then suddenly snapped out of it when he stole my keys, laughing as he jumped out of the car.

“What the hell, you freaking alien! Give me my freaking keys!”

He chuckled, “You so think I’m hot.”

“Wait, huh, how did we get onto this? GIVE ME MY FREAKING KEYS!”

“Serena thinks I’m hot, Serena thinks I’m hot!”

“No, I DON’T Talen! Give me my FREAKING KEYS YOU DIPSHIT! RIGHT NOW!” I screamed, running over to him as I tripped over something, landing on my face.

Within a second Talen was beside me, his green eyes swimming with worry. “Serena, are you okay?”

“I..I think I broke my ankle Talen.” I threw a whimper in there at the end just play it up.

Just like I figured, he laid the keys down beside him and examined my ankle.

“Serena, I don’t think it’s brok-Hey! Come back with those!”

I chuckled, running back into my car, starting the engine and locking the doors. He banged on my window, gesturing to let me drive.

I smirked up at him, shaking my head no, pointing over to the passenger side. After a few minutes, he reluctantly made his way over to the passenger side and I unlocked it for him.

“Alright, direct the way, captain!”

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