Chapter three

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Serena's POV

The whole rest of the day was awkward. I could tell no one was really pleased at Talen's annoucement. Well, no one but Sarah. I could tell Talen was Sarah's favorite child. The twins did in fact like him, so I really don't think they cared.

Seth, I could tell didn't like him either. I'm not sure why, but he just didn't. James, for some reason, was suspicious of him. For what reason, I have no clue. Jason was I guess on Seth's side, since they were closest. Max didn't really care. He was a pretty carefree fun person who got along with everyone. Jack, on the other hand, looked up to Talen. You could just tell. Even though he'd just met Talen but he kind of followed him around a little. I know he tried to hide it since none of his brothers really liked Talen but him, but it was kind of obvious.

Seth was acting weirder and weirder, more frustrated sometimes, flirtatious other times. Maybe he's going through some hormone changes or something.

There was a loud bang on my door followed by James' barging into my room, "C'mon shorty, we're gonna be lat-" He stopped talking and took me in. I was just sitting there, dressed and ready, staring at the ceiling like I had been for the past hour, waiting for someone to tell me if was ready to go while I thought about things."What are you doing?"


"Everything okay?" His furrowed brows told me he already knew the answer. He was my twin after all, we knew each other well and could read each other like an open book.

"Yeah." I said, hurriedly, hoping he wouldn't notice I was lying. I picked up my bags and walked past him, sending him the best fake smile I could pull.

To be completely honest, I was trying to avoid Talen. I didn't want my brothers to see how I felt around him. Hell, I didn't want Talen to see how I felt about it.

Grabbing some toast, I noticed Talen sitting on the couch playing Angry Birds on his iPhone. I passed him, sending him a small nod when he smirked at me. Jogging into the kitchen, slinging my bag down on the chair I popped in a peice of toast in the toaster.

"SERENAAAAAAAAAAA! HELP ME JASON IS GOING TO KILL ME!" Jack ran through the house, knocking over a small coffee table and a picture of Sarah and my dad. I laughed, glad the stupid picture was broken. I always hated that thing anyways.

Even though Jack was 14, he was still kind of a baby. He knew it, too. Which is why he got himself into these situations, because he tried to be cocky, to show everyone he had balls. But when he pushed it too far, like he always does, he gets himself into a mess.

"JACK! I'M GOING TO RIP YOUR HEAD OFF AND FEED IT TO A DOG!" Jason came barrling down the stairs, his face red with anger; his tone full of authority.

Jack hid behind me, crouching slightly, letting out a small whimper and mouthing 'save me.'

"Hey, Jason, I think he went out back around the pool." I pointed outside, keeping my face somber, trying not to laugh at Jason's red face. He nodded, his face still hard as he slung open the back door, still shouting Jack's name. I jogged over to the back doors, locking him out and grabbing my bad.

"Alright, Max, that'll give him time not calm down. you owe me. C'mon." James and Seth chuckled at me, and in the corner of my eye I could see Talen supressing a smile.

"Thanks. But now he's mad at you." He pointed out.

I shrugged. "He'll get over it."


I was in 1st period math when Talen walked in, and of course the teacher assigned him to a partner right beside me. I tried my hardest not to sneak glances with him, but it wasn't exactly working.

Besides Talen, only my real siblings went to highschool with me. When Natasha moved in she decided to do high school online and be homeschooled. Truthfully, I think it was just a ploy to search through our things when we weren't home and was really going to a witch school.

The sad thing is I truly believed that. I can just see her plucking hairs from my hairbrush and putting them into some boiling green poition, laughing evily.

I chuckled to myself, imaging her with green hair and warts all over her face. It was difinately something to laugh at.

"Something funny, Mrs. Harris?" My math teacher, Mr. Huggins inquired.

I could feel my face go hot as the whole class turned to look at me. ""

He sighed, shaking his head and under his breath I could hear him calling me crazy. I knew he thought I couldn't hear him, but I could.

James, who was in every one of my classes and my partner in most of them, quirked an eyebrow at me. He, being my twin, knew something was up.

I shook my head, gesturing I'd tell him later.

I could feel Talen's stare on me, and I gave in and looked over at him. He had an amused grin on his face. 

I realized my heart had sped up slightly and I scolded my self internally.

This was going to be a long, hard year.


Talen's POV

I tried to get every class with Serena, but I couldn't get Biology with her. Oh well, I still could stare at her for the other 6 periods we had together. Making my way into lunch I spotted Serena and her twin, James and Max sitting over at a table. They looked kind of secluded, and I'm sure to everyone else kind of intimidating. Serena's brothers were big in the muscular department, and there were two of them sitting with her, plus some other guys. That was enough to scare any other guy here. Well, anoy other guy besides me, apparently. 

I wondered where Jack was, since I knew he was 14 and in highschool, but I figured he just didn't have the same lunch as them. I knew Jason and Seth were in college, so I knew why they weren't here.

I made my way over to the table, sitting in the empty seat beside Serena.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw Anthony, my old ex-friend, smirking at me. "Well, hey, old friend." He turned to Serena. "Hey, lovely. You look just gorgeous today. Doesn't she, Talen?" He said, teasing me.

He knew what Serena meant to me because I told him. Stupid me, thinking he was my best friend and I could trust him. I told him on my visits to see Serena, or, should I say, stalk Serena. He'd spotted me one time and I told him truthfully why I was here.

But he wasn't the same. He'd gotten invovled with another...'group.' He'd changed. He'd changed for the worst.

I smirked, twisiting Anthony's game for my own gain. "Yeah, yeah she does."

I saw her face drop a little, and I wondered why. Does she not want to be complimented?

I guess I should just come out and tell her what I was and what she was to me as soon as I could. Before Seth or any other guy here had a chance.

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