2. Addicted

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Annika's pov

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Annika's pov

I walked out of the gates and there was a car with someone inside. As the person glaced at me he walked out.

My eyes widened at the sight and my heart was beating like drum. It felt like butterflies were not dancing rather doing zumba in my stomach or something.

He was wearing a t-shirt well it was tight fit I could see every muscle in his bicep and chest move his right hand was filled with tattos of snaks and god knows what. I felt the urge to admire every single on of them.

He walked towards me and removed some strands of my hairs from my face and tugged them behind my ear with a huge grin on his face.

A grin.
With no emotion.

Like a psychopath.
Like a monster.

"Hi, bunny."

"Hello Rudransh." My voice coming out more scared and whinny then I intended.

He chuckled and walked towards the car opening the door for me. I got in and he closed the door and rushed towards the drivers seat. He looked kinda adorable.

He sat himself and looked over at me.

"Ahhh....I totally forgot. We have to do the planning and thank you so much for joining me."

"No problem, bunny. It's all my pleasure."

He gently moved towards me as if he was going to kiss me. My eyes widened and I suck in my lips like it was at instinct.

"Seatbelt." He had a wolfish smile on his face. He pulled my seatbelt and looked over at the road "Don't wanna lose you this early."

"T... thank you."

What the fuck. Is happening to me. Why am like this. This is not my first time with a guy god I feel like a teenager in love.

"Umm chale."

(Umm let's go)

He nodded and started the engine.

Luckily there was no awkwardness and I didn't even feel uncomfortable as if it was something not so unusual.

"Rudransh, do you any place where we can celebrate the anniversary."

He thought to himself and looked at me.

"Yes, shall we go there."

I bopped my head.

The car ride was silent but not uncomfortable it felt nice being near him safe if I use the correct words but this eyes were blank as if he had no emotions.

We reached a destination. It looked like a garden it was filled with trees and birds chirping. It was really calming.

I looked at him his eyes were already on me.

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